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Stoneheim Quests

Collector's Quest
Take 5 Moon Tug Scalps (Dropped by Moon Tug Skraugs), to Wajpoothin in the Kaph Leth Skraug Town, For a Skraug Bashor Mace.
Take 5 Skraug Bashor Maces, to Khan Wulgworth in the Moon Tug Skraug Town, for a Belt of Skraug Strength.
Take 3 Belts of Skraug Strength, to Sheriff Grant Hornkeep in Stonecrest, for a Collector's Book(Also Dropped by Obsidian Assassins).
Take 5 Collector's Books, to King Aedenas Gravesoul of the Centaurs, for a Ring of the Lion.
A) Evil Side - Take 3 Rings of the Lion to Sir Mordenthal for either a Cloak of Armegeddon or a Great axe of the Crow.
B) Good Side - Take 2 Rings of the Lion to Sir Beltigan for either a Eye of the Tiger (mage shield item) or a Crystal Sword of Might.

Scroll of Horse Friendship Quest
After Killing 12 Skeletal Centaurs, Dionysus Silverstream will give you a Scroll of Horse Friendship. You can use these for different Quests.

A) Take Scrolls of Horse Friendship to Malachai Fatebringer for one of the following items at Random.

A)Grim Blade of War
B)Assassin's Blade
C)Bow of Centaur Slaying
D)Robe of Hell
These items can be traded to other NPCs for other items.
A)Take 3 Grim Blades of War to Sir Mordenthal for a Dark Gem (after 99 gems you gain a chance of a Dark Gemblade)
B)Take 2 Assassin's Blades to Daran Lightfoot in stonecrest for a Broken Ethereal Key.
C)Take 5 Bows of Centaur Slaying to Resha in stonecrest for a Cloak of the Archer.
D)Take 3 Robes of Hell to Julian in stonecrest for a Gloom Staff.
B) After you have 10 Scrolls of Horsefriendship, fine a wandering NPC called a World Wild Horse. After talking to him with 10 Scrolls he will teleport you (for a fee of One Scroll) to a preset location of your choice (7-10 different choices), He also Teleports with you.

Pilferer/Nightcreeper quests
Visit Sheriff Grant Hornkeep--

Say pilferer
Go out and kill 8 pilferers
Revisit Sheriff Hornkeep say pilferer.
Reward for 8 Pilferers: 50,000XP + Thank You Note

Say Nightcreepers
Go out and kill 9 nightcreepers
revisit Sheriff Hornkeep say nightcreeper.
Reward for 9 Nightcreepers: 50,000XP + Thank You Note

Repeat until you have 6 Thank You Notes. Bring them to the Mayor and say Thank You Notes
Reward: XP + Lost Blade of the Dragon

Villian's Skull quest
Talk to NPC Delnar Steelblade, located just outside the Stonecrest East Gate. Say villain's skulls to him. The skulls are dropped by Nightcreepers and Pilferers (they look like Raiders) -- you'll find them outside the town walls and in the surrounding vicinity of Stonecrest. When you have one or more skulls, take them to Steelblade, tell him "villain skull", "yes". Steelblade will reward you for each skull you bring him. If you have more than one, he'll take them all in one transaction, so you won't have to give them to him one at a time. He also keeps track of the accumulative total of skulls you've given him.

10,000XP + one piece of Chainmail per skull given.
25,000XP + one piece of Chainmail for 10 skulls accumulative total.
100,000XP + one piece of Chainmail for 25 skulls accumulative total.

Lost Blade of the Dragon Quest
After Killing 8 Pilferers or 9 Nightcreepers, return to the Sheriff of Stonecrest and say the respected Monsters name. He will award you with Experience (max of 50k) and a Thank you note. After Acquiring 6 thank you notes, Talk to Mayor Fairweather of stonecrest. Say Thank you notes to him to receive Experience and a Lost Blade of the Dragon

Lost Helm of the Dragon Quest
Sheriff Grant Hornkeep wants you to bring him 5 secret documents from the thieves safe. Go around stonecrest. Various chests will give you keys to other chests, ending up with the Bone chest in Mithanna Snowraven's House. The bone chest gives you the key to the safe in the thieves dungeon. After aquiring 5 documents return to Sheriff Hornkeep. The Sheriff will give you a Certificate of Recognition. Take 6 of these certificates to the Mayor of stonecrest for a Lost helm of the Dragon and some Experience.

Lute of Peace Quest
Dionysus Silverstream wants his Lute of Peace Recharged. Get an Ethereal Key and 10 Magical Lutes (Dropped by the Death Jester). Then Head to the Nether Isles and Glaenshenmilandira. She will Recharge the Lute and then you can return to Dionysus. He will be greatful and give you Experience, Gold, and if your lucky a Robe of Heaven.

Ethereal Key and the Nether Isles Quest
Take a Broken Ethereal Key to Bastien Milandira in Sir Beltigan's Castle. After saying you believe him (without breaking the chain) 6 times (Ie. work yes work yes work yes etc). Say Ethereal Key. He will fix it and then you have an Ethereal Key. Wander around Stoneheim, for an Ethereal Portal. After its use the portal moves to a different location on stoneheim. The Portal leads to the Nether Isles. Here you can find Glaenshenmilandira (an NPC for the lute of peace quest and Will of Artherk quest). Also here is some nice chests, good item drops, and good Experience monsters.

Evil Seraph Quest

Good Seraph Quest