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  Oracle Zone help

Ivory key
The first key you need to get is the Ivory key, to get this key u have to wander around the island to get it. From where u first start out when u drop in from the wirlpool, just follow the trail west, every time it branches off, just go west. Sooner or later you should find a chest, open it, look around on ground for the key, and pick it up.

Crude iron key
The next key you need to get is the Crude iron key. to get this key, you have to find a house, when u find it, go up through the north door and open it, when u first open it, go through the hall on the bottom to your right, at the very end should be a chest, open it and get your key.

Dull copper key
next key is the Dull copper key, to get to this place, you have to go back to the door that you have to use the Ivory key, and go into the other door thats right on the left of that door, in this place theres a lot of chests with lots of halls in one of the chests u should find a key.

Emerald crystal key key
After you get the key with all those halls, go back to the beggining door. go through the door on the north and go through the hall in front of you , you should end up at this place with a whole bunch of chests that say something like along the line of, chest containing something crystals. i dont know the order here, so your on your own. the last key you should end up with is the Emerald crystal key. all the keys you should get is these keys: Amethyst crystal key, Agate crystal key, Carnelian crystal key, Malackite crystal key, oxyx crystal key, ruby crystal key, sapphire crystal key, and then the Emerald crystal key.

Shiny silver key
To get this key, you have to kill the B'thonian flare's. And once the flare's drop this key, you have to go down through a lot of doors and small cramped rooms.

Small gold key
To get this key you have to kill some more flare things, there name is something like B'thau... i forget it, but its different from the last flare's you had to kill, so you should catch on to what one it is. There in the room at the bottom of all those small cramped rooms with all those doors.

Shimmering platinum key
After you get the Small gold key, go open the door in that little room. Its the door on the right wall at the bottom of the of those little rooms . You should know what door to go through. This part made me confused for a while, but what you have to do is walk back and forth untill you get to the very end of the hall to the chest.

Solid gold key
Once getting the Shimmering platinum key, walk all the way back up to the top room, you should get to a door that leads you outside. WARNING!!! theres Time Protectors out here, and quite a few of them, so bring lots and lots of pots, because you have to run through a lot of them. What you have to do is run around that building once you get to the top of the building, your trying to look for the very first place to where you can walk down to. If you find the right place you should get to a place with 2 castle wall things that make a path, at the end should be a portal. go through it, and from here you are safe. From the portal, you have to find some stairs. go through them, and right when you do, infront of you should be a chest, click on it and get your solid gold key.
*Note* Once after getting your Solid gold key, to through the door on your right, at the bottom of this room should be 3 chests. open all the of them and most of the time you can get VERY VERY good items out of them.

6 Odd shaped key
Now this key is a pain. After getting the solid gold key, go through the door on your left, you have to go down a fairly long hall, untill you get to some portal. There is 2 portals here, one of them is for good, one for evil. and now your in a chamber. And if you walk all the way down, there should be a chest, but the chest says you need 6 keys, and that there all odd shaped. Notice that there is 6 rooms that you pass with 6 Timeless Guardians? Well this is where the fun beggins! ;p NOT!! these things are quite a challange, atleast for me they were. NOTE!! This part depends on wether you are evil or good. IT HAS TO BE IN ORDER!! ;p if you dont do it in the order, that I write down, you will never get anywhere. IF GOOD, kill the Timeless guardians in this order: Right center - Left bottom - Right top - Left top - Right bottom - Left center. There, if you did it right, you should end up with the six odd shaped keys, go to the chest, get the key, and go through the door. IF EVIL, kill the Timless guardians in this order: Right center - Left top - Right bottom - Left Bottom - Right top - Center left. do the same as good side would, go to chest, open chest, get key, go through door.
*Note* I have dont this part quite a few time, and only once, when i was doing it in order i didnt get the key, sometimes this can happen. not very often, so you will just have to start all over back from the first Timeless Guardian to the last one.