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The Howler


The Howler will be like Mark Butlers Monsterlist! But with diffrent features, I can't wait to show it to you in full!

Coming soon: choose from Alphebetical Version, Picture Links Only and Skill Level Versions!!!!!!

O Begginers: Easy to build, some tools required.
OIntermediate: Challenging, requires certain skills (ie: carving, air-brushing, ect.)
OAdvanced: May contain Electronics, and requires diffrent skills!

Skill Level
Prop Description
Preview Picture
O 10 second digital sound system Illistrated instructions for building a digital sound player By Jim KadelAvailable
O 3D-TVSimple how-to on making a face push-out of a TV By Ralph IronmanAvailable
O Air Cannon Prototype Ideas, and basic plans for air cannon. Mostly Text By CliffAvailable
O Air Cannon Basic instructions for a box that blows out a pulse of fog, No Pictures! By Brian RichAvailable
O Alien Pictures and Instructions to building a foam-carved animated alien (Related Project: Coffin Jumper) By Steve HickmanAvailable
O ALF(Asynchronous Lamp Flickerer) schematic and parts list for electrical circuit that flickers By Scott RiderAvailable