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The Guide for

The High Tech Haunter

Allright I thought I was doing a guide on just basic high-tech stuff. Ha, in such a hightech society that is nearly impossible. Right now in the year 2000, most high-tech stuff can get really expensive! I know it sucks, for all of us on a budget.Though us with a budget can always dream for the day we have an extra $1000.

So when I say "High-tech Haunted House", I mean now n' days this stuff is getting cool! And you thought the Flying Crank Ghost was awesome.

Well imagine a dark corridor, heading into your Micheal Myers Room, blood is splattered all over the walls, and ground. You know you have a couple of guys in masks chasing people. Then all the sudden the room gets bright, the blood is being lit up slowly. Finnaly a whole blood stream is a-light, then the words "MURDER" appear. The corridor is black again, a scream is heard, a strobe light goes off and there is Micheal is ready to attack again!

To cool, huh? Well the links in the drop-down list to the left has some cool high-tech how-to's like the one above. I will be adding always to this page!

High-Tech How-to's

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*Based on a first come first serve basis!