White Peaks Centennial Pipe Band has moved.
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White Peaks Centennial Pipe Band
Please Sign our Guestbook!! It is at the end of this site :-)
Click here to see the members of our band
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Hi, thanks for visiting our page....as you can see it is still under construction, ...so keep checking back for updates, I hope to have a bunch of cool stuff here soon
For starters, here is some information about the band: "White Peaks Centennial Pipe Band" is based in Payson, Utah. The tartan in our kilts is the American Bi-Centennial tartan. The background is an example of this tartan. There are several bands in Utah, but none within a reasonable weekly driving distance (with the exception of PHS's band and they are a school group). We decided that there were enough pipers and drummers in the area to start another pipe band. The band was put together in 1996 (Utah's Centennial year), several of the members are quite experienced (including past "Payson High School Pipe Band" members) and have played in other bands here in Utah and Washington. There are also some beginners that are doing extremely well, and are a great asset to the band. We competed this year in the Salt Lake Scottish Games, and took third place in our grade. We were only beaten by out of state bands. We march in 8 to 10 parades each summer, including Provo's "Freedom Festival Grand Parade". We are having a great time doing other performances and learning new music.
(In NO particular order)
Don.......is the pipe major of this group. He has played bagpipes for 16 yrs and competes solo in grade 2. He played with Payson High School Pipe Band, was the Pipe Major at SUU (Southern State University) for 6 yrs and now has White Peaks Pipe Band to harrass :-).
Corey.......has been playing for 4 yrs and is a VERY good player. Corey is our Comic relief and has more energy than anyone or thing known to man!! You get tired just watching him sometimes :)
Lynette.........has been playing for 14 yrs, was a past Pipe Major for Payson High School (1988-89) and played for the Tacoma Scotts in Washington.
Susan..........has been playing for about 4yrs. Susan also plays piano, likes to write stories and enjoys her ten snakes.
Vera............has also been playing for about 4 yrs. She is the Hamiltion Clan piper for the Utah and Colorado area. She plays the flute and writes poetry.
Danny............is a good piper. He has been playing for a short time. He loves to play the pipes.
Colin........has been playing pipes for about 4 years. He couldn't think of anything for me to put on here so I'll just say that along with being a great piper, the boy is also a speed demon!! Remember Colin.....once you hit Spanish Fork the speed limit goes to 65 MPH! :)
Jeremy.........is also one of our snare drummers and has been playing for 6 yrs. He has also played with Payson High School and with Utah Pipe Bands "B" Band.
April............has been playing the drums for about 17 yrs and is one of our great snare drummers, she is super energetic and always has a smile to share with everyone.
Paul.....is our bass drummer, he has been with us for one year. This is his first experience with drums, but has been in orchestra for 6 years.
Doug.........is our newest drummer, he plays the tenor drum. This is his first year with us and drums, although he has been in choir. He is the editor of this web site. He is Paul's brother and the youngest member of our band.
Updated July 28, 1999
Great Piping Links
Sandy St. James Page
The Great Hall of the Clans
Payson High School Pipe Band
The Official Bagpipe List
Other Internet Piping resourses
Dave Daye's Bagpipe Page
Ewan MacPherson's Page
The Selkirk Celts
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
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