2/10/1985 - 6/21/2015 === 6/17/1987 - 7/21/1998


This site is dedicated in memory of my son Michael. During his short time here he managed to touch the hearts of so many people by showing them, through his suffering just how important life is. He will be forever missed by his family and friends.

Michael was 11 years old when his life ended tragically due to the negligence of a Highway Patrolman and one woman who failed to use common sense.

The scales of justice that I have placed here represent my feelings about our Justice system and how it has worked against us to protect the rights a negligent Police Officer and a women who had no regard for the safety of her own child.

If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane,
We would walk all the way to Heaven, to bring you home again

No farewell words were spoken, no time to say good-bye
You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why

Our hearts ache in sadness, and secret tears will flow
What is meant to lose you, no one will ever know

The day Michael died it felt as if my life had also ended and in a way it did. I felt as if I had entered a New World where there was no happiness, no justice and nothing to look forward to. I never believed that one man could change the course of my life in less than one second. The happy life I once lived with my husband and four children will never be the same. Today I spend almost every waking moment searching for ways to see that the man who killed my son will NEVER have the opportunity to destroy another family and hide behind his badge like he has done to us.

The following is a message/promise to the man who killed my son.

“Cortland "Cort" Childs of the Utah Highway Patrol because of your negligence and ignorance you have ripped a hole in what once was a happy family. We will never be able to mend the wounds you have inflicted on our family. I don’t expect you, a heartless man who couldn’t even say I’m Sorry to understand the pain our family is going through. You are the most uncompassionate man I have ever met and I promise you that I will NEVER rest until I see that JUSTICE has been served. You may be able to hide behind your badge for now but I guarantee the day will come when you are held accountable for taking the life of an innocent 11-year-old child."


The entire account of how the Justice system has failed us and detailed information about Cort Childs negligence can be found at My Fight For Justice.

The word victim means: "A person or living creature destroyed by, or suffering grievous injury from, another, from fortune or from accident."

I have found that there are two types of victims in this world; the first type have rights, support and compassion from the police, prosecutors and victims rights organizations. The other type are the ones who have became victims due to police negligence. These victims are left to fight for their rights, they receive no support or help from the police or prosecutors and are told by victims rights organizations that there is nothing that can be done so don’t bother trying.

I have included several links to grief support groups on and off the web that I have found very supportive. There are also links to victims rights organizations who were very compassionate and tried to help me, you can also find links to websites that can help parents teach their children the importance of bicycle safety.

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