[ed. note:  CHarc, for those of you who have NO IDEA
  what's going on, is the Clothing-Hair-Arc.  If you're 
  sick of mytharc, the CHarc is where it's at.]


(which, like the title of the original song "Reunion", 
has no ostensible connection to the song itself, not 
surprisingly by everybody's favorite purple chicks)

I had hair so lovely, shiny and floofy
then my hair-butcher "styled" it, and made me look goofy
and I fled, thought I hadn't yet settled the score
all for fear she'd cut more

Oh, you pretty CHarc-nihilists, negligent stylists
Why'd you make me wrong-haired?
I have no need to say what is sadly apparent -
now I'm CHarc-ly impaired

I shrieked when I saw it (and with trepidation
I confess it a scream of the girly persuasion)
please don't think that I chose this self-representation
This looks too funny to be me

Oh, you pretty CHarc-nihilists, negligent stylists
Why'd you make me wrong-haired?
I have no need to say what is sadly apparent -
now I'm CHarc-ly impaired

We all think ourselves safe; we are never suspicious
	(SCULLY'S STYLIST: Oh, how I hated you)
that an eager new stylist might turn out malicious
	(SS: with your floofy and flattering 'do)
You never can tell till you're under the scissors
	(SS: now I've made you wrong-haired and prancy)
This looks too funny to be me

Oh, you pretty CHarc-nihilists, negligent stylists
Why'd you make me wrong-haired?
I have no need to say what is sadly apparent -
now I'm CHarc-ly impaired
now I'm CHarc-ly impaired

I had hair so lovely, shiny and floofy
	(SS: OH, how I hated you.)

Author: FortunateOne

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