JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Names Sermon.

JESUS Christ for this generation as You read today would that You consider JESUS Creator Spirit In You [whether Whole or merely as much as an amount of the Best] (see previous "Perfect" Sermon at as Perfect begets Perfect, like unto how Loving Parents may look at Their Children when Their Children are on Their Best Behavior Lovingly Smiling for Their Loving Parents, while obedient to Their Parents: as Blest from JESUS Christ The Creator.

And while there were Blest times prior with Parents seeing Lovingly Devoted Children Smiling Together as One Family, the "prior" moments were not the current [as much as] Better Moment: Loyally Ascending In JESUS Christ Better Begets Better [including for All]. Similarly for JESUS Christ Best Way Edifying that none be left behind, consider such as when the ox cart was innovated, and when the lightbulb was innovated [Christians should lead dictionaries too], and when someone noticed magnetite and with properties discovered inventing the first compass [albeit in the raw ore state], so such as the compass was essentially not as the prior moment, with no known compass existing prior [hence invention not innovation] nor knowledge of how such might function.

We are Given into Our "Perfect" [Perfectly Perfecting] amount, new Better than previously considered Faith and Miracles from the Name JESUS the Christ [the Original JESUS Christ], and Loyally Ascending the Miracles increase like unto the compass for All [for as many as so behold] and greater than the Miracles is the Better Loyalty For JESUS Christ The Good Worthy "Original". And since "invention not innovation", then as the Creator if Giving Credit Broadcasting if to be One [JESUS One Creator], not as a created vessel about works of hands nor selfishly opted strayed ideas.

Observe the Lexicon for the word "now" in this next verse, meaning "Now, just now, at this moment", in the sense of the above "Loyally Ascending In JESUS Christ Better Begets Better" and since "invention not innovation", and so in the JESUS Spirit Creator Name because of this date in time and this New Better Gift Is Given to You this minute Anewly Loyally Better Than Prior with as JESUS Christ Said as written in John 16:24 "Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.".

Multitudes in this civilization asked including in JESUS' NAME but received not, so what is the previous verse talking about?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, in JESUS' name in JESUS Highest Purpose, Best Way For All


As JESUS Christ explained in Luke 9:23 New International Version "Then he said to them all: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.' ": daily if You opt to be Loyal to and for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All, You Will Righteously Prophesyingly see daily Creator Creating the Whole Created, Heavenly Level Miracles. But instead of getting a new car as hoped You might receive 100,000,000 fleets of new cars: so will You drive a new one or two each day? hardly so, instead You Will as if be forced to Give them away to others in need of cars but such as lest You don't have to pay taxes on them, and instead of sales profits You would hurry to get rid of them lest tax bankruptcy and loose what little % You reasonably can drive, and lest perhaps tax evasion and cast into deficitors prison in the sense of an excess of costs whether realized or other more than income, and if You don't give the cars then the hoards [in the sense of:] crooks so You have to pay taxes on cars stolen from You.

You have to best way get rid of the cars before the cars rust, and before those trying to feed their children go insane and kill you and your Loved Ones that actually belong to JESUS Christ the Creator of Them [what did the strayed vessels do? conceived in sin (for selves not for Creator, Adam And Eve)].

So for the Creator, what would You name future Children?, unknown creator or rather of JESUS Christ known name: to name Children JESUS! Consider some of the movies with newborns and about them being named, such as to honor a Grandparent or a close friend. In the movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle character Bethany resuscitated another character at the cost of losing some of her own life.

Loving pride when Bethany found out the person's life she saved named their baby after her.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Bethany


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Jack Black Bethany Walker Professor Sheldon Shelly Oberon Nick Jonas Alex Vreeke Jefferson Seaplane McDonough Karen Gillan Martha Kaply Ruby Roundhouse Dwayne Johnson Spencer Gilpin Dr Xander Smolder Bravestone Kevin Hart Anthony Fridge Johnson Franklin Mouse Finbar, Jake Kasdan

"From left, Jack Black as Bethany Walker and Professor Sheldon ‘Shelly’ Oberon, Nick Jonas as Alex Vreeke and Jefferson ‘Seaplane’ McDonough, Karen Gillan as Martha Kaply and Ruby Roundhouse, Dwayne Johnson as Spencer Gilpin and Dr. Xander ‘Smolder’ Bravestone, and Kevin Hart as Anthony Fridge Johnson and Franklin ‘Mouse’ Finbar in the Jake Kasdan movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle"


If You have a baby and name it JESUS, Jesus, JESUS Christ, JESUS Spirit [Your Generation Family Name] or likewise, then like unto Bethany smiling above, consider how JESUS Christ The Original The Worthy Good One would feel. And even so on a conditionally lower level, if You become JESUS One Name Eternal then as You Named so comes to You Better unless to stray name though note the word "conditionally": faith types according to opted directions apply.

JESUS Christ does not torture nor kill people if they did not name babies nor nations in the name of JESUS, save the GOOD Before The Fact when JESUS Creator Formed the Highest Purpose Creation Plan for to protect the innocent and for the Best For All. In the very moment a New Newborn is Named JESUS [of goodly tradition when so recognized at Church, yet with JESUS Christ UN Law to typically name and then again at Church such as for to help a hospital and law keep track such as for recognizing citizens and benefits such as Social Security and Healthcare and Welfare and so on as much as needs be, though ASAP Church though not to make Church icky such as with afterbirth (Luke 2:21 can be Better as Healthcare may Help Civilization with skin that might be discarded at Temples)].

In some classes, i, Bob, sat behind another Bob, and if one was called Bob 1 and me Bob 2 then acceptable even though wanting as taught to instead be #1. In vessels, #1, #2, acceptable, yet in the Omega Alpha Godsling is not #1 nor #2,...there is JESUS. Consider the words citizen, person, employee, and President; there are many of each and if given a long Social Security Number, hardly any seem to feel much offended.

Given a birthname JESUS does not automatically make a person better [e.g. Good Samaritan] nor Chirstian nor such as President. For to give a birthname JESUS is to Give A Most Precious Gift, a reminder, like all the Bible scrolls rolled up into One, though "better" does concern how others might opt to approve or disapprove, even so consider as written in Acts 28:31 Berean Study Bible "Boldly and freely he proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on Power in the NAME Of JESUS, on Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN. and on how exceedingly Loyalty is better than breaking all the laws).

26 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, the Perfect Sermon is through JESUS Christ Perfectly Perfecting, Bible Formulas for the Better Moment for All, Loyally Ascending In JESUS Christ Better Begets Better, inventing is better than innovating, what should i name my child, victory over you have not asked for anything, explains what happens if to receive too many Miracles, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Jake Kasdan Jack Black as Bethany Walker and Professor Sheldon ‘Shelly’ Oberon, Nick Jonas as Alex Vreeke and Jefferson ‘Seaplane’ McDonough, Karen Gillan as Martha Kaply and Ruby Roundhouse, Dwayne Johnson as Spencer Gilpin and Dr. Xander ‘Smolder’ Bravestone, and Kevin Hart as Anthony Fridge Johnson and Franklin ‘Mouse’ Finbar.

Jesus Christ

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