To Our Roster:

Well, it looks like our time is up. It's been a great year and a half, but I can't do this anymore. Since we opened our doors in February '99, my partner may have changed a few times, but I've always been there. HCW's been my life. Our roster has been deteriorating since April, with some talent coming back in, but mostly non-roleplaying wastes of space. I hate to see HCW in this state... I've put so much of my time into HCW, that I almost don't want to do this, but it's for the best. Matt and I need a break. We've forgotten what it's like to have FUN. I just wanted to thank the people who have helped keep us alive for so long, without you, there wouldn't have been an HCW left to close. Lost Souls, Ash, Eddy Fate, BoneCrusher, John Kronic, David Priest, Spider, Matt Hallowel, Tenjus, hell, even Wopman who hasn't won a match, but still roleplayed his ass off. We appreciate all you've done for us. I'm sure I left a few people out, but you know who you are. Matt and I are going to take this time off to get back into the game... to remember why we wanted to run a federation in the first place. If we still have it in us, and all goes well, HCW may be back in action by the new year. The Out-of-Character board will remain open for all of you who care to use it, to keep in touch with the rest of us. All of you who have shown sincere effort will be invited to rejoin our roster if and when we decide to open our doors again... I just don't want to re-open it and have it crash and burn, you know? We're the most cut-throat fucking federation on the Internet, and that's the way we want to be remembered. We'll see what happens. Thanks for the memories.

Legends Never Die.

-Kevin Drake