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Ronin Warriors

Ronin Warriors is an anime series that is about a group of teenage boys that have magical armor that they wear when they go off the fight the Dynasty. The series were on the Sci-fi channel for a while until it was cancelled in 1995. it only has 37 episodes and 3 OAVs. I don't know if it has a manga series too but I have seen some pictures that look like manga pictures. The characters in this series are Ryo of Wildfire, Rowen of Strata, Cye of Torrent, Sage of Halo, Kento of Hardrock are the Ronin Warriors. They are assisted by Ryo's tiger White Blaze. They fight a bunch of baddies from the Dynasty under the command of Talpa. In my opinion, I think that this is a really good series and the only thing that I don't like about it besides the occational bad animating job done, is that it ended!