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Gasmire's Grotto

Unicorn Dimension
Here are some awesome unicorn pics that I have found from all over the web. Some I scanned in myself from my collection.
Gasmire's Poetry Corner.
Here are my personal works. I hope that you enjoy them.

I am a Star Wars fan, I have been since I've seen it the first time at a very young age and the phrase" A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away scrolled on the big screen. Yes I will admit that at first I had the biggest crush on Luke Skywalker (give me a break I was young, I was 8!)...but as I matured, I really began to like and even love this handsom, and scruffy looking nerf herder, Han Solo. This scene by the way, is my most favorite of all the ones between Liea and Han. So I of course did a few pages to honor my most beloved movie saga off all time.

I love music! Music plays a big part in my life. It has always been with me whether I played an instrument; such as the piano, the cello, or the bagpipes, or just using my vocal chords and singing. I have browsed many sites on the web, and have found many wonderful midi's to add to my file. So you can be sure that a midi page is in construction even now. Among my favorite are my Star Wars midi's and Phantom of the Opera midi's.My Favorite Midis

Well that is enough about me. You probally just want to get busy and see what this site has to offer. Have a good time! I do hope you enjoy yourselves. Thank you for dropping by. Oh and be sure to check out some of the other sites below. They are good friends of mine, and if you are into Star Wars I would definately check out SWUD!!

Please sign my guestbook! I would love to hear from you!

Or if you desire you can come visit at The Grotto which is an interactive forums where you can discuss Star Wars, share your own stories or poetry with others, or just hang out and meet new people!

This site belongs to a very good online friend, who not only makes me laugh, but who also rocks bigtime! Check it out, drop by and pay him a visit. Badmojo

Here is an excellent site made by another friend of mine Darth Ludicrous. You want to read some funny news reports? This is the place to be! SWUD

Please feel free to drop me a note!

Or you can see more on my funpages!

~Gasmire's Fun Pages~

Poetry Corner

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