A little look at some works of mine.

I believe that everyone should have a creative outlet of some sort. Some people draw or paint, some people roleplay, some, like myself, like to write. This page contains some of the stories and poems I've written during the last few years.

The Tey Chronicles

The Tey Chronicles is my most ambitious writing project. I wanted to create an entire fantasy mythology that was completely original - no Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, or even Humans. The Tey Chronicles are a set of stories based in the world of Tey, seen through the eyes of several different races, especially the Kii, the most numerous race in Tey. Currently, I am writing Volume 0 - a collection of the myths and legends of several Tey races, as well as stories of events that will set the scene for Volume 1.

Currently contains: Race descriptions, Volmue 0 - two Kii, one Kehvarra and one Ban stories

Stories of the Consortium

In some realms they are called the Masters of Reality. In others they are the Nightmares. But the question always remains - who exactly are the Consortium..?

Currently contains: Nightmare Girl, Innocent Hell, Radiant Terror

Knightmare fanfics

A collection of fan fiction stories, based on the excellent TV series Knightmare.

Currently contains: Always of the Green, The Best Laid Plans, Light at the Heart of Darkness

Legacy of Kain fanfics

A collection of fan fiction stories, based on the Legacy of Kain video games

Currently contains: Soul Reaver 2a, Blood Omen 1a, Tragedy and Conflict, Be Free

The Dancer
The Dancer, Part 2
The Dancer, Part 3

My largest work, an ongoing project in progress. Ryan is a normal American teenager moving to a new town, a new school, and a new life - at least, that's what he believes. A mysterious girl at the centre of an old legend has other plans for him.

This lovely picture of Rain, inspired by Rain's first meeting with Ryan, was drawn by the wonderful Sidriss. Many thanks indeed! To visit her beautiful site and see her many other art pieces, please click here or look at the links page!

No Future

A short, complete work in diary format. No Future describes the thoughts of a high school student as his life degenerates into a literally Hellish nightmare. (Note: If profanity offends you, I suggest you do not read this story.)

Twenty One

A work just started. In a long-forgotten age, the Twenty Angels of Heaven and Hell rebelled against their Creator, and were banished to Earth. With the development of the Internet, they have a way to locate each other, unless the Twenty-First Angel finds them first.

Oman and the Legion of Wanderers

This story is based on the Zogan Tales, a set of stories by my friends Sam and Matt, which are currently not on the Web due to some serious re-writing. In another world, a baby is saved from a sacrifice by his own parents to a most evil entity. But what lies ahead for this unwanted child?

Sometimes at Night

A poem I wrote for someone special to me.

All the Pieces

The night before I wrote this poem, I had a very disturbing dream. I don't remember all the details, but a central element to the dream was a young child singing in a voice that seemed innocent and terrifying at the same time. The next morning when I tried to remember the dream in my dream diary, I ended up writing this chaotic piece of writing. Please note that, though there's no profanity or direct violence in this piece, it came straight from a nightmare, and is neither settling nor clear.

A Rose Named Angel

A short poem that I made up a while ago. If you've read the above story "Nightmare Girl", I envisioned Glade saying this to an enemy named Angel.


A poem based on a picture by the same name by Sidriss, the same wonderful artist who drew the above picture of the Dancer. Please do visit her site!

Wearing Down

A poem. I have nothing further to say about it.

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