Links to other webpages

The following is a list of links to other websites I frequently visit. Some are personal sites of friends, while others are sites about things that interest me. Please do take the time to look at these sites, as they are all well worth it!

Galadriel's Glen

This site belongs to a good friend of mine who goes by the name of Sidriss. She is an excellent artist, and many of her works are displayed on this site. (By the way, Sidriss is the person who drew the rather excellent picture of Rain for The Dancer, much to my delight :) )

Samantha's Site

This site belongs to another good friend of mine, Samantha. It was created to host the Zogan Tales, an ongoing fantasy story by Samantha and her boyfriend (and another friend of mine), Matthew. At the moment, Sam is giving the site an overhaul, and the main stories aren't presently up, but there are still several cool features to check out!

Dave's Homepage

This site belongs to my friend Dave (not my brother you might have seen on the Photo page, BTW). The page contains some writings and poetry he has written, and info about his band "Wake". Check it out! Now!


Down With the Sickness?

This site belongs to my friend James. Best known for the Tales of the Inquisition webcomic he does, excellent especially if you're familiar with those who frequent Cardiff's Goth Club.

Malin's Homepage

This site belongs to my friend Malin, and has various things like stories, art and general impressive web stuff that puts my page to shame (Like most of the links here!) I especially recommend his pictures of characters based on Vampire:The Masquerade. Ah, to be talented...

Matt's Homepage

This site belongs to my friend Matt, and is home to archives of his own stories, set in a few different worlds, including tales of the Master of the Consortium himself, Pitt! Enjoy!

Anyone who lives in the UK and is currently in their mid-late teens or early twenties may well remember an excellent children's show from some years back. (Memory jogger - it involved children going through a computer-created dungeon with a, large helmet on their head!) Years after the series' end, its popularity is still as high as ever. Check out this incredibly comprehensive yet easy to use tribute sight by Nicholas Lam to remember or discover what it was all about!

The Knightmare Trading Post

On a similar subject, this Knightmare site by Neil Jones has fan-based stuff about Knightmare, such as fan-fiction. A good site to check out for fans!

Official Cruxshadows Page

Click the link to see the official site of my favourite musical entity! :)

Official Garbage Page

Another good group. :)

If you want to link to my website, you can use the above banner to do so. Yeah, I know, it's not much, but it shows you care that little bit more than a simple text link :)

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