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Suppose that Lucifer found himself trapped on earth, yet wanted to make a last ditch attempt to re-take the heavens? He had been cast out of the eternal [third] heaven because of his rebellion, but still had 'potential' access to the second heaven [stars and galaxies] and also the first heaven [the atmosphere of our world], and so he decides that he and his followers would need physical bodies to possess or incarnate in order to leave the planet on which they had been exiled.

So way back in Eden, Lucifer/Satan, observng the new creations that God has made -- men and beasts -- conjures up a cunning strategy. After all, he's already damned... having extinguished within his being every last spark of light, leaving nothing for God to work with. And besides, he would never think of losing face before all of his followers by throwing himself at the mercy of the Almighty. So what does he have to lose?

He would try to possess these new creatures, beginning with a very intelligent animal in the form of a bipedal reptile, fusing himself with its mind and taking control of its thoughts in order to decieve the weaker of the humans. Whether Satan communicated verbally or telepathically with Eve, through this beast, does not really matter. What matters is that he was able to decieve the beast AND the woman and with one swipe of his forked tongue, and manipulate them into breaking their CONNECTION to the Source, to Almighty God, realising that it was that supernatural connection which gave humankind dominion over the planet and over nature.

So the cascade of LIFE and supernatural DOMINION from God to man to nature is broken at the human level, and harmony turns to chaos.

Perhaps this fallen Archangel tempted the beast into becoming jealous of mankind's position of dominion, and this most subtile [cunning] of all the animals was tempted to seek to leave its ordained state, and seek instead the place of dominion that God had bestowed upon man, just as Lucifer had left his ordained position and sought to take the place of God Almighty. So the humans sell their birthright for a measly little piece of fruit.

Things begin working in Lucifer's 'favor'. He now has control of the planet, of the highest members of the animal kingdom -- who apparantly allowed the fallen angels to possess and reincarnate through their race in exchange for supernatural powers over the humans -- and he has a strong foothold in the human race and in Adam and Eve's 'seed'. Having agreed to be a part of this conspiracy, however, this draconian 'beast' and its descendents lost the power to choose, having given up their identities, sovereignty and will power to the control of the Luciferian 'collective'.

Humans and saurians [before the flood] become the worst of enemies and waged war with the other. However this was not enough, even when that whole civilization became completely corrupted and was lost to the deluge and God's judgement.

Lucifer/Satan needed a new strategy. Satan realized that if he were to break free from the planet, he would need the combined cooperation of all of his servants from the three creations of intelligent beings... angels, men and beasts. So fallen elements of all three of these creations began to collaborate in the grand conspiracy.

So what does Satan do? He tries to create his own 'race' of beings, a counterfiet conglomeration race, part angel, part human and part beast. This race, the evil one believed, would possess the survivability and adaptability of beasts, the intelligence of humans, and the supernatural powers of angels.

Perhaps he used the sorcerer-scientiest of Egypt or some other ancient techno-cult, however he commences to inspire these human followers with his own knowledge of cosmic forces, including knowledge of genetic engineering. These humans establish a secret cult of initiation and literally move themselves underground, away from the prying eyes of those above. Their priests become demon-controlled channels for the occult-scientific knowledge fed to them by the fallen angels.

Eventually a point is reached wherein these alchemists are able to go about attempting to splice human and animal DNA -- lets say crocodiles with humans -- and 'create' a real nasty warrior race that Satan and his minions can possess and control. These creatures rebel against their human creators, just like Frankenstein's monster, and these now fully-incarnate demons with part human, part reptilian bodies, begin to conquer the material world for all that it is worth, moving their race into the depths of the planet.

Eventually they develop ships that can travel through the planet, then through the air, and finally to other worlds and star systems. The 'Dragon' [Revelation chapter 12] now has a foothold in the second heaven, and begins to expand itself to the moon, to Mars, and to other star systems [Orion and Draconis?] with the intent on conquering the entire second heaven.

Perhaps full-bred humans also discover such technology and the humans and reptilians begin to battle it out within the underground systems, in other star systems, and possibly even other dimensions. God allows these creatures to break beyond the bounds of the "cradle" [planet earth] and carry the battle to the depths of the planet, to other stars, and other dimensions, as part of his grand plan to vanquish evil once and for all by allowing Satan to try every means that he can to overcome the highest of the highest.

When Satan is finally put down, all angels, men and beasts will forever, throughout all eternity, be aware of this object lesson... that is, it is entirely futile for the creation to decieve itself into thinking that it is god, and that any and every attempt to overcome the Infinite One and His infinite realm will have been attempted and will have failed. Therefore with this history fully visible to them, the inhabitants of Creation throughout all of the eternities to come will not even entertain the THOUGHT of challenging the Highest... and the sacrifice of God's only Son Jesus in order to purge and regenerate all who are willing will prove that God's motives are pure and perfect rather than selfish and egotistical. There will be no excuse for corruption and rebellion to reign on the new earth or in the new universe.

So the battle between the 'woman' and the 'serpent' that began in Genesis chapter 3 will end with the final war in heaven between Michael and the Dragon as revealed in Revelation chapter 12, until in the end every creature in heaven, in earth, and under the earth will bow down and give honor to the King of Kings, when Lucifer is cast forever into his eternal doom.

So, if we try to see the "alien scenario" in the light of the WORD OF GOD -- the foundation of all truth -- there is no need for confusion. True, the superficial complexities of the phenomena may give the impression that the Word of God is fallable, and of course the phenomena was designed by Lucifer to do so. However, "those who are wise shall understand". Those who reject the revelation of God will succumb to Lucifer's strong delusion.

We must never forget that these enemies, these "aliens", now have the ability to attack us on all three levels of our beings: the spiritual, mental AND physical levels. What we need to defeat them is a balance of spiritual power, intelligence or understanding, and also physical defenses in order to protect ourselves from their three-fold attacks.

Remember, the Israelites had to fight physical battles yet with supernatural intervention. Perhaps we can learn from their example, and understand why the Israelites won some battles and lost others. I believe that THIS understanding is the key of how to gain victory over these demonic alien 'techno-sorcerers'.

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