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Here is the order of events over the years, concerning UFO's...

UFO sightings lead to...

UFO encounters of the 2nd and 3rd kind, which lead to...

Military involvement and aerial battles with UFOs, which also involved...

Radar beams at first directed at the UFOs to track them, until it was learned that these electromagnetic radar beams seemed to interfere with the EM propulsion systems of the UFOs, leading to..

UFO crashes, which lead to...

Military orchestrated crash/recoveries-retrievals of alien technology, which is taken to Above Top Secret military bases/installations like Wright-Patterson AFB, which lead to...

Back-Engineering of Alien Craft at Above Top Secret surface/underground facilities/installations like Area-51/S-4 ("Dreamland"), leading to...

The creation of an Above Top Secret U.S. Space Force/Fleet based on the recovered back-engineered alien technology, which led to the...

Collaboration with positive human ET's (For instance those in Zenatae Andromeda, Taygeta Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, Ummo Iumma, Procyon, Vega Lyra, etc.) in their ancient WAR against a reptilian species that once roamed the surface of planet earth, but left the surface in ancient times to occupy vast subterranean caverns ( ), and eventually extending their influence into other dimensions/timelines ( ) and to other star systems...

And finally...

The ATS (Above Top Secret) Space Program -- collaborating with benevolent 'human' ET Federations who were also originally from earth... -- becomes involved in a "cosmic war" with this ancient reptilian species (with control centers in such star systems -- which they colonized -- as: Zeta Reticuli, Capella, Epsilon Bootes, Bellatrix, Alpha Draconis, Altair, Rigel Orion, etc.)... although most people on the surface of planet earth are oblivious to the fact that such a WAR is actually taking place "behind the scenes"...

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