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Andrew's Story

The fiollowing are parts of a post sent to me in Auguest 2007, by a friend named 'Andrew':

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the reply. I was wondering...don't you think that this coming war is just the very begining of the tribulation, ulitimately concluding in the rise of the Antichrist leading a single world government...?

Anyway, aside from that point, I want to say to you that I have got some really great stuff for you here. I have had dreams and visions for my entire life, but I have never been a believer in anything important...I always just thought that people who believed in the "end of days" or any such things were totally wrong or worse, complete idiots...until something happened to me in the late 1990's and I saw parts of the world that I didn't know about...and then I had to know everything else...and one thing led to another...

I have been having dreams of all kinds of things in the last 5 years or so...a lot of my dreams are totally normal events of no particular signifigance...but the thing is that troubles me, many of these dreams have come true. Just normal things that I am doing strike me, and I get like a kind of dejavue, except that it's not, it is instead, I realize, that I did do this before, but in a dream.

In 2004 I had some really extreme dreams...and my ex-wife also had a few. The main dream I had narrated by an angel...the entire dream was of the war, how it started, and included all of the details...I only remember one part though, I mean aside from the basic generalities of witnessing a major world war...the part I remember was the last thing I saw, it was a major battle that occurred in North Carolina...the US military knew it was losing the war and had to do something to turn the tide, so they massed all their main units in one place to strike a critical victory. I saw this, like I was standing on the battlefield with the angel...I saw everything, and the angel spoke to me, and showed me the sky while he spoke, and in the sky I saw these airplanes that were almost invisible...and he said to me, "They will use all of their technology and everything they have, but nothing will stop them..." Refering to stopping the enemy armies, the battle would in fact turn out to be an aweful defeat for the Americans. The war would naturally turn from that point into a defense of Washington and the northeast...which I can't imagine being successful under such circumstances.

I had another dream which is very interesting. I was in a room with two really amazing things happening, on a TV raised up high on a wall was a man that in the dream I knew to be the priminister of India...he was giving this terrible speech in which he was promising retaliation for what had happened to India...he was really ranting...he was screaming and shaking his fist...he kept saying how great India was and how they would crush their enemies into the dirt and leave nothing behind. It was a pretty insane speech...he sounded like Hitler, and he sure was mad. In the dream I knew what had happened, but when I woke up I didn't remember.

Anyway, a few months later the new Priminister was picked and it was the man from my dream...

My ex-wife had several dreams of being a refugee during some kind of war here in America as well as a couple of other war dreams. In the first dream she had, she told me that she was on a highway out in the country somewhere, she was walking with thousands of other people carrying our son. She said there was a war and everyone had to another dream she was in a hospital that was in a city that was under seige. The hospital had no electricity and was both full of people and completly filthy...she said it was so crowded that the beds were reserved for the injured and everyone else had to sleep on the floor.

My son was between two beds sleeping while she was just standing there and realized that a woman was yelling at her telling her they needed help downstairs. Outside artilary was exploding at a regular intervel and each time a shell exploded the room would light up momentarily.

In another dream my ex-wife was walking in some kind of weird medical facility after the war had ended and she saw a woman wearing a dress made out of some kind of material which projected an this case the image was of goldfish, and it wasn't like anything you could think of except to say that it apeared as if goldfish were actually swimming in her dress. So the thing is that I had another dream in which I was in some kind of semi-formal affair after the war had ended and I saw a couch that was made of the same material...maybe you have heard about this stuff?

OK, so I thought about it for a long time and I think that what might be important is the fact that I saw the same thing my ex-wife saw...and it really is hard to describe, and very different from what I imagined her saying to I give that dream credit as showing me the future, which is important. So what does the future hold? Well, all I knew in that dream is that the war had ended and we did not lose, though I don't know how that happened.

I want to say we won, but I am not sure we did, more like the war just ended. I also was drinking champaign and was terribly cynical...that makes me worry on a personal note.

When my ex-wife first told me about her dreams, she would almost be angry with me...she is not much of a believer in anything unfortunately, but I don't really discount what she has seen, and I try and tell her, these are Gods warnings to her, and she, like millions worldwide will simply ignore them. I have decided that her dreams are not really for her benifit, but mine, after all, I know that my son will survive the war unharmed, and I am sure that will be siginfigant for whatever decisions I make during that dark time.

I know these things are coming...and I think they are coming sooner than we all may think.
