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Welcome To Hell

some of these fonts are vsed on this page, download them here and install them into yovr fonts svbdirectory.

Most of these pages are vnder constrvction

Conspiracies by Darkside Vpdated weekly

Wicca-Paganism SectionTheres some stvff on spells, not mvch thovgh.

Satanism SectionRead the satanic laws.

Rock And Roll SectionGot some links in here.

Pvnk SectionNothing here yet.

Profile SectionMeet the people behind this twisted glob of html.

Anarchy SectionLearn abovt anrachy, not mvch here as of yet.

you are theth person to be crvcified as of Jvly Eighteenth, Nineteen Ninety-Nine.

Send any hate mail, death threats, flames, or maybe even some, dare I say, happy or praise mail to Darkside or BlackBlade.Thank yov.