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Little Cottonwood Canyon

This is Little Cottonwood Canyon as seen from Superior/Monte Cristo Peak

Little Cottonwood Canyon is my other favorite canyon to hike. Trailheads in this canyon are limited to the upper portion. The steep glacier-carved canyon walls make it nearly impossible to access side-canyons from the bottom part of Little Cottonwood Canyon. The hiking season here can be from late spring to late fall. In late spring and early summer, the snow becomes consolidated and can be solid enough to walk on without sinking -- it also provides easier travel across the various boulder fields described in some of the trails below.

--Trail links with an asterix (*) next to them indicates that pictures are included.--

White Pine Trailhead

*Red Pine Lake / The Pfeifferhorn
White Pine Lake
Maybird Lakes

Alta & Snowbird Trails

*Cardiff Pass Trail (Superior & Monte Cristo Peaks)
American Fork Twin Peaks

Albion basin Trails

Sunset Peak
Secret Lake
Sugarloaf Peak