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the absolute faith website

"It was a great secret life.
The befuddled citizens could only see the outward manifestations
of the incredible stuff going on inside their skulls.
They were all now characters in their own movies or the Big Movie.
They took on new names and used them."

--Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

march 9, 2001.

what sorta shit does rob listen to?

may 9, 2000.

eyebrowcrunching jitters
reverbrattle my concentration

a kneebouncing
body parade
of gesture explosions

i pause.
quell the anxiety headfire
with a ten second blink

crackedice nerves
melting into stillness

july 31, 2000

"life is a whole lot of sitting around punctuated by motion"

a friend of mine told me that one day when we were sitting on a curb watching traffic rumble past us. (the conversation was punctuated shortly thereafter.)

now, you can take that statement any number of ways. and in the process of your thoughts searching for meaning, your mind hamster-wheels around until you come to some sort of personal conclusions, if any. chaos eventually settles into stillness. and you come to some sort of understanding. it might be, "that's a bunch of crap..." or even, "heavens preserve us, my mind reels from the flood of revelation," but in any case your thoughts eventually settle, and you move on with all the mundane and extraordinary events of you everyday life.

motion and stillness are two essential components to living and learning. and we sometimes forget the importance of one or the other.

we live life running around frantic, or hiding behind a cathode couch shield. and it's easy to forget that balancing our lives it what makes them livable.

a load of bullshit, maybe. but sit still long enough and it might start to make sense.

hmm, when the hell did this soapbox spring up from under my feet.

excuse me, i need to step down and take a walk around my own pretense.

if you need me i'll be under a tree somewhere eating a sandwich.


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