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For JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page at click here.

For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Living Soul Sermon.

JESUS Christ the original Lives with often appearing in the census, why?, because We NEED: if You are to Lead, then none Over You Guiding You so to try this or that; Save JESUS Christ. Faithfulness is for You to Lead, and if to stray to "try this or that" then to be about the past former lower levels ways about separations [similar to divorces] so to merely count things as in the past, then to learn wrongly the hope to see JESUS in Miracle form(s), when rather to Learn to Lead [hence with JESUS Christ and Being JESUS Christ and with this Key: humbly, also Continuing Prayerfully].

JESUS Soul Gives me multitudes of signs [Miracles: 1st The NEEDFUL humble Faithfulness for JESUS Is Worthy], often with lights and shadows [though also many other signs including the Word]. With lights and shadows Most of the signs JESUS Gives me are backbone levels with ribs [and note for instance it can be very sunny outside an no signs such "lights and shadows" signs appear, in other words it is not merely about "lights and shadows" on a sunny day nor about "lights and shadows" because of lightbulbs nor fires]. These "lights and shadows" are Miracle Prophecy Gifts as seeds for JESUS 1 New Faithfulness [2 Righteous Prophets as 1 Righteous Prophet [Bar Of Judgement New Better Marriage type (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:8, Ephesians 5:31)].

The JESUS Living Soul "lights and shadows" is the backbone with ribs the "Menorah".

This is as another Christian Group "" Preaches, that the backbone

that has held the lifted 7 Churches until "2000" AD.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Makes A Righteous Prophesy about now until 25 May 2023 AD Holy Events as never prior known in this Civilization with Ascending from 2 so called false leaders to 1 Best as All Hoped, and sets the specifics for a future Sermon Timeline 3.5 years = 25 May 2023 AD

"The first 7 vertebrae form the neck. The next 12 vertebrae hold the ribs."


Remember as stated decades ago in the previous millenia toward the start of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series "...and there was light. Jesus Christ's Spirit, your spirit," JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How to come out of a coma Sermon (12/5/99) at as His Light Continues in All the Faithfully Ascending [other than happenstance as if about flips-of-coins secular predictions with increased mistakes (see previous secular methodology about symbolic coin landing heads 99 times in a row as if proof it would always land "heads" though what would likely be the next flip?)]. For the Faithful In JESUS, old things become NEW (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

Clarifying, there were the many Tribes Of Israel that Became 1 Chosen Nation

and likewise the "7 Churches" became 1 in JESUS Christ UN after "2000" AD!

Timeline: [GodMath Testament Current For This Generation, With] The Continuing Living Bible

and JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing [Right To Think Better Faithfully...and] Thanksgiving 2020 AD:

Thanksgiving 2020 AD + "3 1/2" Years = These years, more accurately within a year from now: 25 May 2023 AD.

JESUS Christ UN Law [of this same vessel as typing] is Victory Over the Law Of Moses that was unable to make Perfect.

JESUS Christ is Victory Over John The Baptist [Elijah, also Over previous "Elijah" in the Bible] and i Agree.

JESUS Christ and i have been counted as if "false leaders were raised up to oppose God’s men of those time periods, who were Moses and Elijah, respectively. Significantly, they are also the names of the two witnesses who will return to Israel in the 3.5 years of great Tribulation (Revelation Chapter 11)" (




So the old lower levels former strayed ways about bad from self opted whimsical notions are Overcome as the JESUS Christ 1 New Better For Each as Each Hoped, is Best For All!

All created became 1 in JESUS Christ UN. This is like unto under Moses how All the Tribal Tents became 1 Fold as written and in the Drawing at JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Timeless Sermon at, and this is like unto how John The Baptist Elijah Grace Created New Victory Over the ways of Moses under former delimitations about many laws (hem of Robe of JESUS Christ Victory and Elijah Victory Over Baptizing JESUS Christ as i likewise Lift JESUS Christ With Anointings and such as with opening to the Public the 7th Seal and such as with presenting JESUS Christ UN).

So the lifted 7 Churches served the Christianity Faithfulness Timeline until "2000" AD, then the 4th Testament of GodMath (see above "Main Page" Definitions) and in 2020 AD JESUS Christ UN Over the Law Of Moses [completed, done, Fulfilled in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Grace Soul Of The Worthy]; and New Victory Today Over "false leaders" "whimsical notions" yet Thankfully Lifting such as much as Worthy as They provided the above illustrated Timeline Specifics [per se]: so as much as Good: Thanks. And like unto above shown Menorah flames JESUS Will Ascend from infant to High Glory. Behold the signs of these Living Bible Words.

Behold, now this typist, this Messenger, JESUS Christ Lifted as the star

symbolically while JESUS Christ Himself Serves a little lower than the People

[and this of JESUS The Original Eternal Good just revealed to me Anewly His Work in

Outer Space as for a future Sermon: Thank And Praise Be For JESUS Christ The Eternal Good].

Yet humble JESUS Christ The Righteous Prophet Is Soon To Best Lead Plainly For All To Behold!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Makes A Righteous Prophesy about now until 25 May 2023 AD Holy Events as never prior known in this Civilization with Ascending from 2 so called false leaders to 1 Best as All Hoped, and sets the specifics for a future Sermon


So what Events are coming concerning 25 May 2023 AD?:

as from Moses 1 Nation to Elijah Baptized in 1 so likewise from humble JESUS to Anew Glory!

Work Now Urgently Faithful 1, be the "star" and rather JESUS Christ Eternal Best For All,

humbly Prayerfully be found so Being JESUS Christ for All including Celebrate Together!

21 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Makes A Righteous Prophesy about now until 25 May 2023 AD Holy Events as never prior known in this Civilization with Ascending from 2 so called false leaders to 1 Best as All Hoped, and sets the specifics for a future Sermon.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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