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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS How To Sermon.

JESUS Christ Faithfulness shows this Civilization how to Lift Others, as a helicopter?, hardly [yet as much as good], rather to make Others Worthy In JESUS Christ Spirit to be Lifted, and this is Righteously Distinguished as Proven Better than such as works of hands for money in Maintenance Level, though to love money as an addiction is excessive lower levels works hence the lack of Good Work Best For All hence the selfish lazy seeking lustful opposite falling in other words to cast out astray and to fall down (1 Timothy 6:10) [notice to cast astray is first as the JESUS Christ Centerline Flow is Straight Up (see previous in this Series on JESUS Christ is the son of perdition: hence if to fall straight down then hard work against the upward flow as if to face JESUS Christ from which turned so to go up again].

Look at road rage on the city highways, so how to do Best For All is to Lift All In JESUS Christ rather than to merely in the worldly sense Lift such as the way an Infant is lifted or such as the way a plane lifts People, there is a Better Way. If to Lift All People now such as to the Talent Level of some Individuals that have levitated without a jetpack; if to lift All that Way, then the Worldly thrilled and showing off to see self capabilities would be flying all directions 3D, so if other than lifted the One Best Way then 3D road rage: multitudes would crash into the each other and of chances ([unseen under JESUS Christ] Ecclesiastes 9:11 applies).

Rather for to Lift People in JESUS Christ is as Each Person rather All Agreeing Together should JESUS Christ Best Way hence including His Original Plan Flow Together, rather than confusions and eddy currents and whirlpools and crashes; as the Higher Levels involve much Better than secrecy toward selfish greed hence harms talks or worse. Hebrews 13:5 Berean Standard Bible "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, for God has said: 'Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.' ".

Rather than stars in the sky, symbolized here are Civilizations.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives His Sacred Faithfulness Way Over what had been secret since this Civilization began Save JESUS 2,000 year ago with how to Ascend through Heaven and how to levitate the self though with rather other considerations as stipulated as Better For All in Victory Over cliche I gave at the Office, as proven in flow types with a Joy Formula, UFO Aliens Galactic Federation, Civilization at the stars


JESUS Christ allows Us to go to be Baptized, and Likewise to Deliver JESUS Christ Sermons in USPS that They [copy and] Deliver to Other They are Aware are in need, and Likewise to Publish Sermons from Home(s), hence to Broadcast JESUS Christ Best For All, so how to Ascend through Levels is as:

From Point A to Points as Broadcast For All Without Price / from Point A in chain continuing to many Points / from Point A to Point B [with Mass though if actually Saying And Doing as Sent].

From Point Your Worthiness Broadcast For All Without Price / from Point A in hopes next generation will do better / from Point A to then saying "I gave at Church" which strayed and fell to "I gave at the office" (rather see the previous Sermon on the slain dragon).

Maintenance level has been used by the yet to ascend over any excuse to stray. To work at a sewerage treatment plant for instance is hardly reason [trapped at work such as due to an earthquake may apply per se], such as in Maintenance level to say such as "I served my time at work for all", even though purifying for Civilization. Faith to go to secular works is toward the JESUS Christ Faith, hence toward the Better Living in Worthiness even if homeless in a coma or fallen into an earthquake while working to reach Church.

Outer Space rockets and transporters are hardly sin any more than ground on which People travel. Yet to do so according to JESUS Christ is the Faithfulness Way and Better than to stray toward worse, and better than to threaten and cause worse; JESUS Christ Better rather = Joy, Love = Joy x Peace. So this through JESUS Christ is how to add Good to You and Yours and rather All the Perfect Way, Perfectly Perfecting, such as Perfectly on a step then Perfectly on the Better Level For All step.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons explained Faithfulness unseen is to be the greater amount, yet with partial amounts of minimizing with automating lower level Responsibilities Over Given Miracles that came from JESUS Christ Faithfulness. Hence JESUS Christ Unseen Faithfulness Way is Victory Over the formerly unknown levels about amounts of Faith, hence without turning to stray (see above "Centerline" "Straight Up")

so to Straighten Up hence improved Best For All such as "Half-repentance continues to focus on our situations, emotions, plans, loneliness, etc., while full repentance turns our eyes on the Lord" ( hence to Guide All into the JESUS Christ Centerline Flow Straight Up" as written in Mark 12:33 Berean Standard Bible "and to love Him with all your heart and with all your understanding and with all your strength,

and to love your neighbor as yourself, which is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." and notice the first part as a key means Love JESUS Christ Completely [Guiding] All Through His Higher Principles Of Faith Including Precepting prior to each next Tree Of Knowledge consideration such as without straying to excess worldliness hence enabling with Pure "understanding", and Likewise for Giving Righteous Strength Where Needful, and so on.

Why is there the hardship of Longsuffering to become Worthy?, [(see below about "goats") and] shown here is JESUS Christ In Heaven, though look at the Worthy shown below as being [not cast out, rather] Sent and how They yearn to be with JESUS Christ [i have been is that situation though in a cave with JESUS Christ (as explained in this Series):] as JESUS Christ Leads to the Golden Rule Opportunity for Us to handle.

Bottom left to upper right: His stubborn goats Ascending.

Upper right to lower left His Worthy Lifted Endued With Power From Above As Sent.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives His Sacred Faithfulness Way Over what had been secret since this Civilization began Save JESUS 2,000 year ago with how to Ascend through Heaven and how to levitate the self though with rather other considerations as stipulated as Better For All in Victory Over cliche I gave at the Office, as proven in flow types with a Joy Formula, heaven sheep and goats Ascending and descending


13 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives His Sacred Faithfulness Way Over what had been secret since this Civilization began Save JESUS 2,000 year ago with how to Ascend through Heaven and how to levitate the self though with rather other considerations as stipulated as Better For All in Victory Over cliche I gave at the Office, as proven in flow types with a Joy Formula.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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