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 In order to gain access to the "Members Only" site you will need to join our "Spanish Shipwrecks Users Group". To become a Member you must complete this Users Group Registering Form and forward a check or money order for the Membership Fee of twenty five dollars (25 $ U.S.).

Please Enter Your E-mail Address Here:



  I wish to gain access to the "Members Only" site and enclose my cheque for  


 $ U.S. along with a remittance of $ 10.00 U.S. for Shipping & Handling.


Payment {s} will be accepted in U.S. dollars by personal cheque, banker's draft or Post Office Giro cheque made Payable to Pawel Tomass Nowak. Postage, Handling and Insurance Are Additional and Will be Handled on a Unit by Unit Basis. 

Oh,,, by the way there is no  "Spanish Shipwrecks Users Group" but send your money anyway....


You can automatically register yourself to be a user of [Name of your sub web] by filling out and submitting this form. Only registered users are allowed into [Name of your sub web]. Choose a username for yourself (such as your last name) and make sure this username contains no spaces. Also create a private password. Together these will be your "key" into [Name of your sub web] from now on. This information will be kept in a registration database that is accessible only to the webmaster, not to ordinary users.

One of the main benefits of having a protected web like [Name of your sub web] is that authorized users don't have to keep typing their names into form fields, such as when submitting an article to a discussion group, because the web server already knows who they are. Similarly, other users can be reasonably sure that you really sent the articles and postings attributed to you, and that someone else didn't pretend to be you when posting.

After you are successfully registered, your web browser will ask you to type in your username and password the first time you try to access [Name of your sub web]. The browser will remember this information for as long as it continues to run, so you can access any document in [Name of your sub web] without being asked for it again.

[FrontPage Registration Component]

Form Submission

Make up a username:
-- you can use mixed case
Make up a password:
-- keep this private!
Enter password again:
-- for verification
Enter e-mail address:
-- if you have one

Author  Nowaky SCAMS Inc.
Copyright © 1999 [Nowaky Scams of Poland]. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 14, 2002 .