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November 4, 2001 to the present

Jan 3, 2001

 I have just returned home after X-mas holidays and I would like to inform
 you that the second part of the documents (including the most interested
manuscripts) I have promised you have been sent again yesterday.Belive or
 not...the papers are in the way and I can only expect a little
 have a terrible winter here...and I had a big problem to come back home
 after X-mas and New Year Holidays...time.
 I WILL SAY AGAIN...The papers have been sent to Daniel,and he will get
 soon.If not-I will give you my head !!! and your money...
I will scan the confirmatio and attach tomorrow.JUST WAIT FOR THE
> !!!
> Pawel

Jan  15, 2001

It seems that the documents I have sent to you have been missed in the way.I
am sending the papers today again and will show you the confirmation today
also !!!.As soon as you will see the confirmation-please stop this action as
I realy want to deliver the papers to you l.Just wait a few hours.

Please Stop this action!!!!!

Feb 3, 2002


The package with the documents dated 1771 and 1777 Provincia de Timpanogos
and Sonora) are in the way to you.I hope that this time the documents
related to the "correct" silver mines will interest of you.
Please let me know as you will get these documents



Jan 18, 2002

  Dear Sir,
I was out of Internet for many days...the fault was not mine.If you have any
doubts in regard of my honesty I AM SENDING YOU THE CONFIRMATION I RECIVED
AT THE POST OFFICE.Please open the attachment and you will see the
confirmation with the trucking number 1654 (as JPG file).The papers are in
the way...please wait...this time the papers have been sent via other
personal secure air mail and I am sure that this time it will be no problem
and Daniel will get them soon.The package I have sent before...missed in the
way...but this one will NOT MISS !!!.I hoped for a long cooperation as I
still wait for the fascinating documents from Spain and I wish to send them
all in the future...but you have to stop these actions against me as I am a
honest man (the confirmation is a prove !!!!) and do not jeopardize my good
relationships !!!.
I am waiting for your reply,
Best regards,
Pawel Tomas Nowak

Jan 16. 2002

It seems that the documents I have sent to you have been missed in the way.I
am sending the papers today again and will show you the confirmation today
also !!!.As soon as you will see the confirmation-please stop this action as
I realy want to deliver the papers to youl. Just wait a few hours.


Have been missed in the Way!!!!!

Dec  7, 2001

I have just returned home...the papers should be there soon.Please belive
me,I will scan the confirmation and will show you today.You will see that I
have sent you the papers...I will also send you as JPG files the new
documents I have just recived from Madrid.
I realy wait as soon as you will get the papers.

Please Belive Me!!!

Nov 4, 2001

I am glad to hear that you are able to accept my offer.I will be happy to
undertake the archival research for you during my visit in Spain.I will make
the coppies of the documents I have seen in Archivo General de Indias in
Seville and Archivo General de Simancas-seccion "Mapas,Planos y Dibujos".I
will also send you the papers I have now in my collection (the documents we
were talking about) as soon as I will get the payment.Am I good
understand...I expect you will do the wire transfer of the sum of 1300 USD I
need to make this research trip.,tomorrow I will scan some pages to
show you that I have the documents we are talking about.
If I will get this money,I am going to leave country in the course of 2
weeks and spend in Spain about 2/3 weeks.I will stay in Madrid for about 5
days as I have to visit School of Mining in Madrid where I expect to find
some fascinating documents for you.Than I will make the trip to
Simancas-about 10 km from the Valladolid.In Simancas I will meet my friend
Fransciso who will provide me in the seccion called "mapas,planos y dibujos"
where i will make some coppies of the maps and charts you are interested.I
have seen these maps and charts during my last visit in Spaib but I did not
make the coppies (in that time I was doing other search,eh...,).I will also
make the coppy of these 25 pages...that is the most interested part...of
this research trip...
The names of places you have the end...I have heard about
most of them.For example "Los Timpanogos"...I have heard a lot of about this
place...I expect that you are waiting for such maps I am sending you now as
JPG Archivo General de Indias in Seville and Archivo General de
Simancas I have seen a lot of such maps and I am sure you will love it when
I will make the coppies of the most interested maps and charts...
Daniel,tomorrow I will scan some pages to show you that I have the documents
we are talking about.
Please let me know that you will be able to do the wire transfer of the sum
of 1300 USD for my archival research for you.
Best regards,
Pawel Tomas Nowak
