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Full Name: Elmo Sputterspark
Age: Same as Drake, if that helps.
Occupation: evil-doer
Voice: Dan Castellaneta


Megavolt is a member of Gos' (my) Fantasy Harem at Animated Lust (Rated PG!)

My original tribute to DW’s first foe was written when I had seen but 2 or 3 episodes with him in the past 5 years. After seeing “Clash Reunion”, I had to rewrite it. Ohhh! I feel sooooo sorry for Megs!

Megavolt’s story is a truly tragic one. This legally insane rat was a classmate of DW’s in high school. He, too, was a “nerd” (on of the biggest reasons I sympathize with him). He was brilliant: a member of the science club; that subject was his specialty. The jocks, and most everyone else, were always picking on him. There was only one student who ranked lower on the social pyramid (I’ll give you two guesses who it was).

One fateful day, while attempting to harness the static electricity of carpet (quite successfully, I might add), he was met with an unfortunate “accident”, induced by the captain of the football team, Hamilton String, and his ditzy girlfriend Prina Lott. This resulted in his brain being fried. Literally. Soon afterwards, he realized that, in the process, he had gained some very handy super powers and could now control electricity, but he had lost his marbles (watch him talk to a light bulb every now and then).

With his new talent, he decided to get his revenge on those who had tortured him in the past (i.e. St. Canard High in its entirety). He was tha-warted by The Masked Mallard, of course, but he turned to a life of crime professionally.
~Note: The initial power from the static has long since been depleted. He now gets his ability from a battery.


Megs generally stuck to petty thievery, periodically going on campaigns to free the enslaved light bulbs of the world. It is only when he teams up with the Fearsome Five that he commits his major crimes.

He’s really not that bad a guy. He had a perfect chance to barbecue DW, but, as he put it, “I just haven't got the heart”. If that idiot Launchpad hadn’t reminded him that he was a villain, he might have found another profession. He’s even hugged DW on more than one occasion. He’s level headed enough to work well with another villain, namely Quackie. Much like Bushy, it is due to the pop culture and prejudice of the world that he isn’t a normal, law-abiding citizen. Now the poor guy can’t even remember his name, never mind what show he’s in. I know, I know “It’s just a cartoon, Robin.” But that’s how I’m going to wind up in a few years! If all of the pig-headed people who make fun of those of us known as nerds or geeks or brains and cause these things to happen were to watch this episode, maybe we could put an end to it. But, oh, no! They’re to cool to watch a show as babyish as Darkwing Duck! Sorry. I just have some really strong opinions on the topic.

Meg is generally depicted wearing a yellow jumpsuit, green boots and gloves, a red battery strapped to his back, a purple electrical outlet on his chest, a red hat with yellow electrical plug sticking out of the top, and purple goggles. His eyes are really weird, further proving his insanity.

~He uses a lot of words from old English, such as thy, thine, art, thou, etc.
~Worked with DW in “Frequency Fiends” They would make a good team, if DW weren’t so stuck up.
~Originally called himself Megawatt

~ “Eat volts, transistor brain!”
~ “I love the smell of voltage in the evening.”
~ “They called me crazy! They called me insane! They called me LOONEY! Boy, were they right.”
~ “Prepare to meet thy doom”
~”I feel so, so, so, just so darn good!”
~”I foresee doom.”
~”I wonder why I make so many new friends? Must be my magnetic personality.”
~”No one can save you now! You’re chemistry! No, not chemistry. Math! Phys Ed? History. Yeah. You’re history!”
~”Excuse me. I’m going to destroy the school and all of you with it. You know the drill.”
~DW: “Smooth move, Megavolt! But won’t the water short you out?”
Megs: “Oh, probably.”
~”So, how do you want to go, Darkwing? Regular, or extra crispy?”
~”I’m a little low on cash. Mind if I charge it?”
~"Thank Edison, it's you!"
~"Over my dead batteries!"

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