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"Is it a great poverty to decide that a child must die
so that you can live as you wish?"

-Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"Pro-Choice is a lie,
babies don't choose to die."

Welcome to my site.
On this site you will find
facts about abortion and birth control.
You will also be allowed to see actual photos
of aborted babies if you wish.
The photos are on separate pages,
so you don't have to view them if you don't
think you can handle it.

I created this site in hopes of making others aware
about the truth behind abortion.
Life is NOT a choice.
Please help me to stop abortion.
If you don't want a child, then please consider adoption.
There are so many families who are unable to have children.
Give your baby a chance at life and give these families a chance at love.


Quotes from well known people

Facts about abortion and birth control

Photos of a developing baby

Actual Abortion Photos -WARNING!!! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC