In the late fall of 1998, the world of E Wrestling was taken by storm when a young warrior, with countless potential and a head full of dreams entered the Global Wrestling Alliance. His name, was Marker. He quickly made a name for himself, being one that was not well liked by other wrestlers. In a hecktic match, the rookie sensation took his first title, the GWA Hardcore belt from a man known only as DragonzFyre. He also aligned himself with a stable known as the Scotish Maffia, but quickly turned his back on his first allies.  Soon later, in a rematch, DragonzFyre regained his Hardcore title, and Marker left for more exciting relms.

Early Winter of 1998, Marker tried his hand in National Cut-Throat Wrestling.   Here, he had many battles with such foes as Goth, Erik Manson, and his brother, the Heavyweight champion at the time... Adam Manson.  Along with partner Hitman, Marker created his own stable known as the New Age Outsiders, to combat against the emencly popular Kindred. These two factions had many hard fought wars, and along the way, Hitman and Marker took the NCW Tag Team titles away from Kindred members Erik Manson, and Deacon Frost. 

While in his prime at NCW, Marker decided to venture into other territories. He joined the just starting UFOD, however that only lasted a few weeks, where his only opponent was Shawn "The Rock" Hart, who Marker destroyed in an easy match up.

Back in NCW, Marker had the chance of a life time, a shot at the NCW Heavyweight belt against none other than his mortal enemy, "The Sanity Assassin" Adam Manson.   This grueling match, went back and forth, to the point where both combatants were totally exausted, when a Keg was droped from the rafters, cold clocking Marker, and giving The Sanity Assassin the win. That keg was droped by a man called Madness.

Marker then disappeared from the E Wrestling scene for about a year, but it was later found out that he was training with Adam Manson himself, for the destruction of his new enemy Madness. His training was so intence, training in Mexico with the Luchas, touring with some of the giants of the world. Molding his technique into an unstopable brage of attacks. The rage that Marker felt, eventually caused him to lose his memory. Adam Manson took advantage of this and brainwashed him, renaming him Minion, and making him his personal slave.

After Adam thought that Minion was ready, he unleashed the monster on  Hardcore Championship Wrestling.  Minion took the fed by storm, joining Twistid Myzery, and then he finally got to meet his goal, a match with Madness.  Another long and hard fought battle, Madness ended up on top for a clean victory against Minion, but he vowed it not to be over. Seeing his foe made Minion regain his memory, and his mind, but chose to keep the guise of Minion, and to stay at the side of The Sanity Assassin. 

Manson and Minion then went to the Real Deal Wrestling Federation, where both men went through the competition, and it was little time at all before The Sanity Assassin became the world champion. As luck would have it, both men had two Pay Per View events on the same day. Minion had a match against "Ravishing" Dale Rude for the RDWF US title, and a match against Jake Thunder for the HCW TV title. Dale Rude chose to drop the title to Minion for reasons unknown, and so a fully rested Minion went to his TV title match up, and won his first HCW title. At the same event, friend and stablemate Matt "The Insane Wonder" Collins lost a match to Madness that caused him to retire.   Minion then took the place of  IW in the tag team with Adam Manson which at that time is the HCW Tag Team champions
