Welcome to an Easter Sermon

Choose that which is best, most precious, finest, most wonderful. Set your mind on these things, actions, and situations.

Explore the possibilities of doing better than asked, by perfectly doing those things at which you are most capable and you can most easily build. Concentrate on those things that make you happy and make others happy for years to come; those things most permanent.

Metaphorically speaking, anyone can eat, or have sex, or do laundry, so such bodily functions are less worthy of your consideration.

Focus on those higher concepts that are relatively easy for you and yet more difficult for others to comprhend.

(Update note added 3/1/2004: The price Christ paid has now been mathematically adduced, click here for God Math Code/Book of John, and click here for Bible Physics/Book of Romans.).

Do this, for them.

Use your talents, for them.

By your kindness, influence others to follow your good example and work together with you to accomplish even greater successes.

Dwell on that which is good, holy, humble, and persevering.

It has been said that if there's no life in the universe other than on earth, then that's a terrible waste of space. But I say to you it is not a waste of space. The space was put there for you...to use as you like...to fill with life...to fill with laughter...to fill with joy and love and prosperity.

When you lift a finger, even a novice of science can possibly explain that you've just instantaneously* altered the entire universal time / gravitational /galvanometric field. You have just changed the entire universe. You can do so much good.

To illustrate this, consider that your finger is drawing a line in the soil. Now consider that you tie a string to your finger, with the other end tied to a stick 20 feet away. So now if you move your finger to draw a line, you might also draw a line 20 feet away.

So if you want to build cities full of happy, loving people on the other side of the universe, how would you go about it?




Jesus Christ wanted to give great gifts to people. Great gifts of permanent reliability, ongoing success, and creativity.

Moses was great and gave you the laws, and you have them before you. Give credit to God, honor others, do good.

Christ did more. Christ went the extra mile. Christ provided light and a way to reach perfection.

This Easter, share with others those things, activities, and situations that they will truly appreciate.

This sermon was prepared by Dr. Bob Benchoff, 12/12/99; updated 3/1/2004; and again 12/29/2004 *Note that in Relativity both particles, and waves (more toward string theory), exist, yet beyond popular scientific discussions are larger wave fronts and also smaller waves, hence affecting atypically, or in other words, not all within current thought would be springlike as some would be more structural and as immediate at vast distances as current reasoning entertains; this being verified in the Bible such as charity resulting in immediate blessing.

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How to get out of a coma.


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