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Woodson Chapel Youth News

Upcoming Events for Youth and College Age
Date Information on Events
Graduation Forms Seniors and senior parents, turn in graduation information to Mike by Sunday, May 15th
Journey Youth Forum Place checks for hotel and registration in the box posted on the wall of the foyer by Wed. May 18th. The total is $57.50. Make check out to Woodson Chapel
May 29th High School Devo at the home of Ben Voce
May 29th Junior High Devo at the home of Whitney Hackett.
June 8th Deadline to pay for Utah Campaign. Make check for 398.30, payable to First Class Travel
June 16th Woodson hosts Summer Youth Series
June 19-22 Vacation Bible School

This is a site dedicated to the youth and college age at Woodson chapel. Here you will find news and information on upcoming events, reviews of past events and photos of them.

Inner City Pictures

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20