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~Volcano Mystery~ Welcome to The Offical Guild Website!.... Click for Upcoming Events Here.... Help the Guild: Go to the Donation Shop.... Join the ~Volcano Mystery~Guild!!!


oVolcano Mystery
oHome Page
oDonation Shop
oDonation Trade
oGuild Banners
oHide 'n Seek
oReferral Contest oDonation Contest oBanner Contest oRaffle
oCodestone Exchange
oGuild Party


With over 65 members and only 2 months old, this guild has an ever-growing popularity!

Most of you probably came from a guild before

Aren¡¯t you tired of them always having the same contests and events over and over again?

Doesn¡¯t it get so boring at one point?

That won¡¯t happen to you again, we promise

We constantly change the guild's theme to go with the many holidays and Neopets occasions

So, you¡¯ll never be bored in this constantly changing guild!

See what all the fuss is about!

Join now!

The Newest THEME is:


Because of the new war plot, the guild does not have enough time to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day! The guild web might not be updated for awhile!

We'll keep you updated with the Neopets War!