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*WHY Perkins, Crenshaw, Venter, and Henry Hicks were using the City copier, City paper, and City facilities, and on City time Friday afternoon in the Mayor's office running off thousands of copies of sheets promoting the Bond Issue? Isn't this illegal? To use City equipment, facilities, and machines to campaign? And for Hicks to deliver these sheets in his City vehicle on City time? Isn't this illegal? What the good people of Selma must realize is that Perkins, Crenshaw, Venter, and Hicks think that they are above the law and that laws do not apply to them because they are in authority. And they are going to do everything - illegal and otherwise - to keep the power and the enormous amount of money they are ripping-off from the taxpayers of Selma. We suppose this is why Hicks NEW City truck does not have the municipal decals on the door, like every other City vehicle , so he can campaign on City time without people knowing he is a City employee using a City vehicle. Come on Mayor, get Hicks to put the decals on his vehicle now!

*WHY Council President George Evans and his supporters are so naïve to believe that Perkins and his minions are going to "play by the rules" in the election this summer? We believe Mr. Evans to be a good and decent man. On the other hand, he needs to realize that he is not dealing with people who are good and decent. The Bond Issue election and how Perkins has used City personnel, City facilities, City equipment, and City time to campaign for the Bond Issue is just a sample of what he and his ilk will do in the election this summer. In fact, it is our opinion that they will do anything and everything - legal and otherwise - to remain in power.

*WHY Perkins and Hicks don't realize that people are watching them every minute? People know the Mayor stays out of town as much as he stays in town and they know where he stays, and WHY he is absent from the City most every Tuesday and Friday. They are just waiting for the proper time to make all of this known to all of the citizens of Selma. The next Mayor should clean house of City department heads and after the removal of Valeria Jones as Personnel Director, the next person who should go is Hicks, who instead of running the Public Works Department spends most of his time in City Hall in the City Clerk's Office, so we are told!

*WHY after the City Council voted months ago to put the City's police and emergency services communication system on the County's tower and TAKE DOWN the tower off of the Police Building, THAT NEITHER HAS BEEN DONE. Now the tower on the Police Building has either been damaged by rain or hit by lightning and is off the air. How are the police communicating? This is more of Martin's and Perkins stupidity and incompetence in not doing what should have been done months ago. We are told that the roof of the Police Building leaks so badly that water has run down the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st floors, and into the basement disabling the system which controls the tower and that is why the tower is off the air. Perkins continues his policy of DESTROYING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT.

*WHY Capt. Riley is not coming on board until March 4th? So Martin can oversee the election? We still say that Perkins wants GLENDA DEESE to be the next Police Chief and we will not be surprised if Riley does not come. Would you come to a department in a building where the top floor is closed off, MOLD IS EVERYWHERE, WATER DAMAGE IS EVERYWHERE, the smell is awful, and the Mayor does NOTHING to correct the situation?