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WHY Selma Police Officer Chris Harris is still working for the City of Selma. He has been accused of rape. Our opinion is that he DID NOT rape anyone. What should get him fired is that he had sex WHILE ON DUTY. To us, that is both immoral and a dereliction of duty-and that is why he should be removed immediately from the SPD. We would like an explanation from Chief Riley and the Mayor why he is still on the force!

HOW Bennie Ruthless Crenshaw feels now that she has been kicked out of her job as Secretary-Treasurer of the Selma Water Works and Sewer Board. THANKS to Board Members Goodwin, Tucker and Allen for voting to remove Crenshaw as Secretary because she refused to sign the duly approved minutes of the Water Board meetings. In her position, Ruthless had ripped off the taxpayers of Selma for more than $60,000 to which she was not entitled at a salary of nearly $20,000 a year. No wonder our water rates are going up every year for the next 10 years. Ruthless and Johnny Leashore ($25,000 a year) were financially raping the Water Board treasury.

IF former Mayor Perkins is going to stop his followers from harassing Dr. Geraldine Allen, after she voted to remove Crenshaw as Secretary-Treasurer. We are told that at least one Perkins supporter was following Dr. Allen around to the extent that the matter was reported to the Police Department. Now, Goodwin, Tucker and Allen need to remove Perkins brother-in-law, Collins Pettaway, Jr., as Water Board Attorney.

HOW MARK DUKE OF THE HOUSE OF GOD CULT AND FREEDOM FOUNDATION HAS ENOUGH MONEY THAT HE DOES NOT HAVE TO WORK. We have warned the community not to underestimate the shrewdness of these cult members and the Freedom Foundation. The purchase of the Teppers Building is illustrative of a Duke scene. He personally purchased the Teppers Building from Rose Sanders for $175,000. We do not know if he financed the building or not. HERE IS THE INTERESTING PART OF THIS TRANSACTION. Duke sold the building to the Freedom Foundation for $175,000. The Freedom Foundation WILL PAY DUKE $801.00 A MONTH for 60 months WHICH REPRESENTS INTEREST PAYMENTS ONLY ON THE $175,000. At the end of 5 years, there will be one final payment due of the original $175,000 and remaining interest.

What a deal for Duke!! He gets $801.00 a month from the Freedom Foundation PLUS all of the equity which would build up and the Teppers Building in 5 years because there is no way the FF will be able to pay him $175,000 on January 2, 2012. He will own the building plus he will have received almost $50,000 in INTEREST PAYMENTS for 5 years from the Freedom Foundation. The beauty of this arrangement is that the FF is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization. They are seeking grants and tax free donations to pay for and run the FF organization out of the Teppers Building and USING TAX EXEMPT MONEY TO PAY MARK DUKE FOR THE TEPPERS BUILDING. We wonder how many more properties in Selma and elsewhere Duke has bought and sold to the FF in this way. It is a win/win situation for Duke and the FF. The FF gets tax exempt money which it then gives (pays) to Duke in INTEREST and Duke ends up with years of interest plus the original property at the end of some period of years (5 with the Teppers Building). NO WONDER HE DOESN'T HAVE TO WORK.

IF FIRE CHIEF HENRY ALLEN took a vacation day or a leave day on Wednesday, April 22, when he spent the day practicing for his part in the RATS (Random Acts Theatre Society of the FF) play about Joseph and his multi-colored coat. Allen has fallen right in with Duke and the cult. For any number of reason, Allen needs to be relieved as Fire Chief of this city! We also think that Police Chief Williams Riley is far too cozy with these cult members, having hired 3 of the, Skelton, Cody and Brunson, as Selma Police Officers.

IF Former city Detective Barnhill is going to take the fall for the entire Police Department in the theft of more than $1200 and the loss of three cars. Detective, please contact us through our email so that we can put you in contact with an attorney. We are amazed at the lingering damage that Perkins and Martin did to the Selma Police Department, they both should be banned from ever having any public office again.

Do not miss one of the foremost authorities on CULTS, Allan McConnell, who will speak at Elkdale Church this Sunday night at 6:00 P.M. The meeting will be streamed and blogged live by the Selma Times Journal: Hopefully, this will awaken the entire community to the dangers of Mark Duke, members of the House of God cult, the Freedom Foundation and affiliated organizations such as the Random ActsTheatre group. Although it may seem harmless to most people, we wnat to know how Selma City School Superintendent Dr. O justifies letting school children out of class to go to a part performance of the cult members of Joseph on April 22. Actions such as this give the Cult validity in the eyes of the children and community!