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          The following individuals for election to the Selma Board of Education this TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8.


It is unfortunate in some ways that this race is between a white and a black. Unfortunate, because if Dr. Fitts and her opponent were "purple" and were placed side by side, any objective person would conclude that Dr. Fitts is immeasurably more qualified by education and experience than her opponent to be the Chairman of the Board of Education. Further, her opponent has been involved in questionable activities regarding At Risk school funds and his involvement with SCOPE. We recommend Dr. FItts as much more qualified. We have found Dr. FItts to always be fair to all people, black and white.

DISTRICT 1: (Wards 1 and 2): Holland Powell

Mr. Powell is a successful businessman, whose knowledge will be invaluable to a newly elected board about to spend $30 million on a new school.

DISTRICT 2: (Wards 4 and 5): Kimesha "Sunshine" Alvarado

DISTRICT 3: (Wards 3 and 8) Frank Chestnut, Jr

We know Frank Chestnut to be a young man with a vision for the school system and the city. We believe that he is one of a group of young leaders who will lead our city in and into the future. On the other hand, his opponent is a captive of the cult leader Mark Duke as well as of Rose and Hank Sanders. We were extremely disappointed that Mark Duke came back to Selma on October 27 to campaign for Margaret Hardy and was at GWC Homes carrying a sign, acting like a teen-ager at a rock concert hollering at people with his Freedom Foundation members. Duke has moved to Georgia with his legal wife and established residence there and should not be voting here. We heartily recommend FRANK CHESTNUT, JR. for this seat on the Board.

DISTRICT 4: (Wards 6 and 7) Debra Reeves-Howard (Wards 6 and 7)

Mrs. Howard is a lady of singular courage and conviction who almost single handedly exposed corruption in the At Risk program and the Early College Program. We admire her courage and willingness to stand up for what is right, even if it is by herself. By contrast, Mrs. Howard's opponent is one of those who has used his position to get his children into the Early College Program. We strongly urge a vote for Mrs. Debra Reeves Howard.

          This is an extremely important election for the Board of Education and especially for the future of this city. Polls are open from 7 am until 7 pm. We encourage everyone to go and vote THIS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 AND TO VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATES RECOMMENDED ABOVE. DO NOT TURN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OVER TO THOSE WHO HAVE IMPROPERLY USED AT RISK FUNDS AND THE EARLY COLLEGE PROGRAM.