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*Of Wal-Marts lack of security, rude and indifferent personnel and management, and attitude toward people who are robbed on their premises. The recent letter in the Selma Times-Journal from a lady who was robbed of her purse INSIDE the store recounted the uncaring attitude of Wal-Mart personnel about her plight and made her feel like a criminal instead of the victim. We are told that when she contacted Wal-Mart's district office that they also were as rude and unconcerned as local management was and actually told her that though they would look into her complaint, not to expect a call back from them.

We are also told that another lady was beaten in Wal-Mart's parking lot Sunday afternoon and that her car was stolen. This has not been reported in the local paper. Wal-Mart is rapidly becoming an undesirable corporate neighbor in this community. There is inadequate security in the store and in the parking lot, some unfriendly employees on cash registers and on the store floor and obviously in the store management. We urge the Wal-Mart corporate management in Bentonville to do something about this store in Selma; Correct the problem or close it down!

*Of the incompetence displayed by the Selma Water Works personnel and Board. For the second time in the past few weeks, we have learned of incidents where the Water Works turned people's water off WHO HAD ALREADY PAID THEIR BILLS and had receipts for it. Recently, the water of the Rev. Polk VanZandt, Rector of St. Paul's Church, was turned off, even though the good reverend had paid his bill and had his receipt for payment. We are certain that everyone in the Episcopal Church has now heard of this stupidity by Water Works personnel.

This week, a lady on Union Street, who had just moved to our fair city and begun work here had her water turned on and paid her deposit and bill as required. Four days after moving into her house here in our Old Town neighborhood, the Water Works turned her water off. When she came home from work, her water was cut off.

Here is where incompetence reigns. She tried to call the after hours number for the Water Works, which connected her to the sewer plant. When asked who she could call to get her water turned on, she was told to call the Mayor. This was one of those nights when the Mayor was out of town. Who else could she call? Robert Bridges, she was told. Robert is not in the phone book because he lives in Demopolis. Then wait until morning and call the Business Office at 9 a.m.

How ridiculous is it for the Water Works not to have someone on duty at night who could turn people's water on, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS THE STUPIDITY OF THE WATER WORKS PERSONNEL WHO HAVE MISTAKENLY TURNED THE WATER OFF IN THE FIRST PLACE.

This is just another example of the incompetence of Perkins, Leashore, Crenshaw, and Brother Vick, who run the Water Board. We are especially upset about our preacher's water and our neighbor's water being wrongfully cut off. The Water Board should have someone on duty at night. With modern technology, someone at home could access Water Board records to be sure people had paid their bills - that is, if the people in the Business Office had credited the payment when it was made. Come on, Mayor, put someone on duty to correct these dumb mistakes the Water Board personnel are making and find out who cut off Rev. VanZandt's water and our neighbor on Union Street's water and take some corrective action.