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          This is the question inquiring minds are asking after the publication by the Selma Times-Journal of the Perkins campaign contributors. Do they love Perkins that much or do they have to give that much to do business with the Perkins city government?

          We begin with Perkins largest contributor, local businessman Charles Hise, who gave Perk $5,000.00. Hise is the part owner and operator of the Park Place Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center (formerly Dunn's Rest Home). We put $5,000 under the catagory of LOVE and note how Hise's love of Perk has increased since 2004 when he only gave $2,000 to Perk.

          We next look at Brandon L. Hewitt of Atlanta, GA, who gave Perk $1,000. We put this $1,000 contribution under the price for Hewitt's employer, KHAFRA ENGINEERING, to do business with the Perkins city government. KHAFRA has made many times more than $1,000 off of Perkins city government, so it is time to ante up for the mayor's re-election campaign. However, we want to remind Mr. Hewitt not to be stingy toward Perk because in 2004, Hewitt gave $2,000 to Perk. It does appear, however, that other KHAFRA employees are picking up the slack from the decrease in Hewitt's contribution. We think we can identify a few more of them from the Atlanta area.

          We next looked at the $2,000 given to Perk by the Alabama Democratic Conference. We put this one in the COMBO catagory - LOVE OF PERK AND CITY EMPLOYEES WANTING TO KEEP THEIR JOBS. The directors of the local ADC include such Perk worthies as Henry Hicks, our Public Works Director, and Lois Williams, our City Clerk. We actually think the ADC could give Perk a little more BECAUSE SO MANY ADC PEOPLE KEEPING THEIR CITY JOBS DEPEND ON PERK'S RE-ELECTION.

          And then there are our friends at the Ramada Inn who kicked in $500. We put this under pay back because when it was thought that Selma would get the contract to train pilots, Perk had tried to arrange a deal where they would be housed at the Ramada Inn. What a profit that would have been for our Indian friends there!

          And we do not understand at all why such BIG REPUBLICANS as Perry Hooper, Sr. and Perry Hooper, Jr. of Montgomery would give a C note each to Perk.

          And Mayor, we want to know who the heck are J's Girls at 105 Calvin Circle? That is not what it sounds like is it and what did they contribute that was worth $810? Send us an explanation and we'll be happy to print it. Is it LOVE or the COST TO DO BUSINESS? That is the question!