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Hank and Rose Sanders: Hank and Rose have recently purchased Brownstone Manor at 330 Lapsley Street in our Ward for $283,000.00. The Sanders are living the American Dream. Having started with one run down house on Union Street when Hank entered the State Senate almost 30 years ago, they have risen to become one of, if not the largest, properties owner in Dallas County. This does not include their vast holdings throughout the Black Belt. During this time, Senator Sanders has diverted MORE THAN $10 MILLION from the State of Alabama’s Education Trust Fund (ETF) to Rose’s organizations and corporations. Two of the most recent examples are the money from the ETF being funneled through Wallace Community College to Rose’s PRIVATE school, McRae Learning Center as well as the money Wallace College gives to sponsor the annual Jubilee. It is amazing to us that lawyers who practice very little law are able to accumulate so much wealth and property! We never knew fighting poverty could be so profitable.

One benefit of having the Sanders in our Ward is that if they live at 330 Lapsley, Rose can finally vote legally in the City. For many years, the Sanders have lived outside the Selma City Limits at 1 Imani Way; however, that has not stopped Rose from voting illegally in the city by having her address on the voting rolls on Water Avenue. It is appalling to us that someone who makes such a show of being for voting rights would for years use a false address as her residence so that she could vote in city elections. How dishonest and immoral is that! Again, we say to the Sanders, welcome to our Ward 3 neighborhood. It is ironic that much of Rose’s recent ire at city council members has been directed at our Councilman, Greg Bjelke, and now he may be Rose’s councilman.


The following is a letter which Virginia contractor Todd Kiscaden sent to the Selma Times-Journal more than 2 weeks ago, which has not been printed as of this date. The letter speaks for itself. We have consistently said that Kiscaden the contractor was a victim of the Sanders and Fortiers racial bigotry directed at the Friends of Forrest and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. All he did was sign legitimate contracts to do work at the cemetery for the UDC and the FOF. Caught in the middle of bias, bigotry and hatred displayed by the Sanders and Fortiers, he suffered much financial loss. He has filed a suit against the City for caving in to Rose’s hysterics and suspending a legally given building permit without a due process hearing. Quite frankly, we hope he prevails in federal court. His letter below is self-explanatory:

          “The City of Selma, Alabama claims to be the center of the civil rights movement in the United States. If that is true, then why has the City of Selma violated my civil rights by refusing me due process and unilaterally stopped my construction on the Confederate Memorial Circle without any hearing or explanation?

          I have complied with all of Selma’s regulations and received, prior to beginning, the approval of the Mayor, but when Rose Sanders (Censor of Selma) decided she did not approve of our project and brought her terrorist band to physically destroy our work, the police refused to protect us and actually ordered us to leave or be arrested.

          The City Council then, without any hearing, suspended our building permit leaving the site in a dangerous condition and me unable to be paid. These actions violated my civil rights, so I have filed a suit in federal court. What is going on in the Cradle of the Civil Rights Movement? Are we now witnessing the majority (Blacks) suppressing the civil rights of the minority (Whites)? Long ago (1281 A.D.), Sir William Wallace, leader of the Scot resistance against English oppression said, “Any society which suppresses the heritage of its conquered minorities, prevents their history and denies them their symbols, has sown the seed of its own destruction”. If our history (the minority in Selma) is to be suppressed, then be honest and say so in your regulations!

          In applying for the Certificate of Appropriateness for the project from the Selma Historic Commission, I utilized their handbook of standards to design the project of upgrading Confederate Memorial Circle. I can assure you that there is NO mention of the apparent requirement that the project of minority community monuments must be approved by Rose Sanders or they can not be built.

          Perhaps Rose Sanders should heed Booker T. Washington’s admonishment that “There is another class of Colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays”

Todd Kiscaden, Contractor
Abingdon, Virginia


          The Sanders and Fortiers have certainly found out that it pays to attack the heritage of people they do not like, profess to be for the poor and against poverty-the latest example of it paying being able to pay $283,000 for Brownstone Manor.

          We were sad BUT NOT SURPRISE to learn that the FCC has renewed the license of HATE RADIO 105.3. Given the ownership of HATE RADIO, there was little doubt that the FCC would approve their license, which gives them another 7 years to foster hate, division, turmoil, and disunity on this community.
