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This website has found that an intentional attempt was made on August 8th 2006 to breach its security. This attempt was made by

After checking into this breach attempt, this website has found that this college is located in Birmingham and is a technical college that offers special classes in computer training and programming. When this website attempted to verify the e-mail address it was not verifyable. Only a person with extensive computer training could have tried this breach because of its complexity.

This attempted breach (hack) was caught by G-mail security and was returned to the supposed address with a message of warning.

As the investigation continues into this matter this website can only hope that no one in Selma is involved, directly or indirectly, in breaking federal law for curiosity sake.

This site not only has the right to its confidential ownership but it also has the right to take action against anyone attempting to violate that right.

Now that this site has had an attempt made to compromise it, additional security measures have been taken. E-mails to this site will be protected by not only Google, but also by the law.

Please feel free to e-mail at any time, but please do not e-mail if it is in an attempt to violate the rights of the site's owner(s).