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          The Selma City Run-Off election is this TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, with the polls opened from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO VOTE TUESDAY. We have the following recommendations for the reasons stated:

FOR PRESIDENT OF THE SELMA CITY COUNCIL: Corey Bowie. Mr. Bowie has served four years on the City Council and has gained valuable experience as a member of the Council which prepares him to be President of the City Council. He has the temperament to bring people together. Further, in the absences due to illnesses of current council President, Dr. Williamson, Mr. Bowie has presided effectively and fairly over the meetings of the Council. He has already demonstrated that he is qualified for this office. We strongly encourage a vote for Corey Bowie as President of the Selma City Council.

On the other hand, there are some troubling issues with the other candidate for Council President, Tremaine Gorden. Mr. Gorden has been warmly embraced by Councilwoman Ruthless Crenshaw and the announcers of HATE RADIO 105.3. This tells us that he is not willing to represent all of the people of Selma, but is committed to those who continue to create hate, controversy, chaos, division and disunity in the city. We are also troubled by Mr. Gorden putting most all of his campaign signs on THE CITY RIGHT OF WAYS. This is illegal and contrary to city ordinances. He should know better and should not be breaking the law.

FOR COUNCILMAN WARD 6: B. L. Tucker. Mr. Tucker has served effectively for 8 years, is a dedicated public servant and a cooperative member of the City Council. He works well with the members of the Council and promotes harmony and unity in the City. Additionally, he can often be seen cutting vacant lots, cleaning up debris and generally doing physical labor in his Ward. We know him to be a good man and think he deserves another turn on the Council. We urge all people of good will in Ward 6 to vote for B. L. Tucker on Tuesday.

On the other hand, Tucker’s opponent, JOHNNIE LEASHORE, IS ONE OF THE MOST HATEFUL, MEAN SPIRITED, EVIL men we know. His entire purpose in life appears to be to destroy the good names and reputations of other people. For the past 4 years, after his ignominious defeat in 2008, Leashore has spewed hate and venom toward Mayor Evans and Cecil Williamson as well as toward Tucker, Benjamin and Bowie. Selma has rarely if ever seen anyone as wicked and unqualified to lead and be a member of the City Council as Johnnie Leashore. PLEASE do not forget the following facts about Leashore:

*arrested for shooting into the house of his girl fiend because she was in the house with another man
*fired from his job at the Community Action Agency for the shooting and alleged theft
*raise everyone’s water rates while a member of the Water Board 2 ˝% EACH YEAR FOR THE NEXT 18 YEARS.
*stole more than $44,000 from the citizens as a member of the Water Board by taking money he did not earn (State Examiners of Public Accounts Reported this)
*threatened-in jest he later said-to shoot another council member in the head
*arrested for speeding through the streets of Selma at speeds of over 100 miles per hour in his pajamas

If this criminal and bizarre behavior by Johnnie Leashore does not disqualify him from being on the City Council, we believe his hateful demeanor should.

THE ONLY OTHER RACE IN THE CITY IS FOR THE DISTRICT 1 (Wards 1 And 2) SEAT ON THE SELMA CITY SCHOOL BOARD. We do not know Dr. Kirit Chapatwala well, but do know that he has had experience as a member of the School Board when the Board was appointed by the Council. We believe he is the better choice for this position because his opponent, CYNTHIA HARRIS, IS A DYED IN THE WOOL SUPPORTER AND IS SUPPORTED BY THOSE WHO HAVE DISRUPTED THE SELMA SCHOOL SYSTEM FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS. She is also the darling of Hate Radio 105.3 and has often appeared on their programs.

This race is extremely important because our understanding is that the other 4 members of the School Board are divided two (Chestnut and Obamanu) against two (Hicks and Ufomodu). Whoever is elected in District 1 will give one side a majority of 3 on the School Board. We pray that it will not be those who have created chaos, hate and division within the school system since Dr. Jefferson was terminated.


We want to keep the issue of HATE RADIO 105.3 before the good people of Selma because this station is a cancer spreading hate, disunity, division, anarchy and chaos in the community. Last week the station was again off of the air for part of a day. Rumors abounded from a technical problem to not paying the power bill as reasons HATE was off of the air. We do know that they are constantly begging for money. We are appalled at Hank Sanders getting on HATE and saying that the station will never support itself because of the truth it tells. DOESN’T THAT MEAN THAT EVERY RADIO STATION WHICH SUSTAINS ITSELF BY ADVERTISERS IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH?

THE REASON 105.3 can not keep itself on the air by advertising dollars is because of the HATE FILLED PROGRAMS THEY PRESENT. Who would want to advertise their products on a station whose primary mission is to create strife and division in the community? Are they so blind to reality that they can’t see why people do not want their products and services to be associated with that station?

That blindness is similar to that expressed by Franklin “not a Bishop” Fortier and his wife “Little Rose” when they wonder why no jobs are coming to Selma. If they would look in the mirror they would see two of the main reasons for the lack of new industry and jobs in the city. Don’t they know that prospective industries know what is going on in a community. Be assured they all know about this cancer known as 105.3 HATE RADIO and what it is doing in this community. SHAME ON THEM!!!


And a final word about the Monument in Live Oak Cemetery. Understand that the work Rose and her motley band of protestors and the City Council stopped HAD TO DO WITH THE CONFEDERATE MONUMENT, NOT THE FORREST MONUMENT. The UDC was trying to make the CONFEDERATE MONUMENT HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE by pouring four concrete walkways leading to it and a concrete sidewalk around the monument itself. It was the forms for the concrete to make this monument handicap accessible that Rose and her band of malcontents laid down in and stopped work on. WHAT DO THEY HAVE AGAINST HANDICAP PEOPLE AND PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS? Other than replacing the bust which was stolen and putting up a fence, the work on the FORREST MONUMENT was completed two months ago. We urge everyone to go to the cemetery and see for yourself so that you will understand what work Rosie’ s mob of misfits bullied the Council into suspending. Again, we want to know, WHY WOULD ANYONE OPPOSE MAKING ANY MONUMENT OR BULDING ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS? Shame on them for doing this to the least fortunate among us!!!
