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          We believe that the Selma Times-Journal has embarassed our City with pictures in its February 28, 2007 Horizons 2007 issue. We are reprinting 3 pictures from the Horizons issue. These are from the article "Around Town". Judge for yourself if this is the image of Selma that we want spread throughout Alabama and the United States. Will these pictures attract or deter industry from coming to this area? YOU decide!

          Horizons 2007 is a slick, well produced issue which could have been used to attract people and businesses to Selma. We assume that it is intended to be mailed or otherwise distributed far and wide to give prospective visitors and industries a snapshot of what Selma is like. Unfortunately, these pictures send the wrong image of our City.

          We know these pictures of Selma are valid. Perhaps, under the Perkins Administration, they more nearly represent life in Selma than we want to admit, but did they have to publish it in a publication which could have been used to present a real positive image of our City. We can not imagine the Chamber or EDA wanting to send Horizons to potential visitors or industries. One look at these pictures, which will follow, will surely discourage them from coming to Selma.

          Can the STJ explain why they included a picture of old appliances sitting in front of a house on Division Street? This is surely a violation of the Selma City Codes that the Perkins administration has done nothing about. Why print pictures of "shotgun houses" and give the impression this is typical of housing in Selma when it is not! And why print a picture of a young thug wannabe showing off his "grill"? To most of us a "grill" is something you cook on, but to the boys in the hood, it's their gold teeth. Is that typical of Selma's youth?

          We believe the Times-Journal ruined what could have been a helpful tool for getting visitors and investors to come to Selma by including these photos in their Horizons 2007 issue! LOOK AT THE PICTURES BELOW AND TELL US WHETHER YOU AGREE WITH US OR NOT!