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Perkins Ego Cost City Taxpayers $30,000 In Needless Tower Suit

          The egomaniacal Mayor of Selma, James Perkins Jr, has cost the City taxpayers more than $30,000 in legal fees by filing his frivolous suit over the communication tower placed at the County Courthouse. Whoever told Perkins the City had legal grounds for this ridiculous suit should be fired!! It was probably City Attorney Jimmy Nunn, who has demonstrated his incompetence numerous times, and should be fired immediately.

          The Alabama State Supreme Court has ruled that THE COUNTY was right on every contested legal point and that Perkins and the City were wrong at every point to oppose the needed communications tower at the Courthouse.

          Perkins said that the City's tower and historic ordinances took precedent over the Homeland Security Act, which gave the County the right to put up the tower. The City also said that the tower was a public utility. The Supreme Court rejected this arguement outright.

          Perkin's ego is the only reason the City sued the County. He is such an egomaniac that he wrongly thought the County was showing disrespect for him personally by not asking the City's permission to put up the tower. His misplaced egomania has cost us more than $30,000 in legal fees. Isn't that disrespect for the taxpayers to waste money on a suit you CAN NOT WIN?

          When the local Judge ruled in favor of the County, Perkins would not let the matter be settled. WITHOUT the vote of the City Council, he decided to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. When Williamson and Cain tried to get the Council to vote on whether to appeal or not, George Evans sided with Perkins and would not let the Council vote (talk about a lawn chair). We hope Perkins and Evans are satisfied now that the State Supreme Court has ruled, unanimously, AGAINST THE CITY OF SELMA...FOR DALLAS COUNTY!

          Perkins should apologize to City taxpayers who have to pay for both the City's legal fees and, as residents of Dallas County, a part of the County's expenses. The City should now use the County tower so the Police Department can communicate directly with law enforcement personnel in the County.

          For financial and safety reasons, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH and can not afford any more of Perkin's ego and Nunn's incompetence!