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Dear Mayor Perkins,

Take the tower down, Mr. Perkins! Three months ago, you warned Dallas County officials and told citizens of Selma that if the County did not take the tower down in 90 days, YOU would take it down!

It is time for you to keep your word to the people of Selma and demonstrate that you are a person who can be trusted to keep his word by taking the tower at the Courthouse down. In the midst of your great TrustBuild Program, one way to build trust in yourself and this administration is to do what you said you would do. If you do not take the tower down like you said you would in 90 days, how can the people trust anything else you say?

There have been numerous questions raised in the community about your lack of leadership. Here is a great opportunity to show that you are a leader. Demonstrate some leadership and show the County officials that you are a man who does what he says he will do.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on lawyers and waiting for "deer in the headlight" Judges like Christmas Green, who does not know how to judge or rule, just get the city equipment and go over and knock that tower down like a man would! The people of Selma deserve a Mayor who leads and does not let the face of the City be ground into the dirt by the Tower Builders at the Courthouse!

PLEASE take the tower down immediately and end this continuing and costly controversy. If you are afraid to take the tower down, please respond to this website and let the people of Selma know why you won't do what you said!