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          The corrupt officials organization (PACO) which has stirred up so much trouble in the Selma City School system is now trying to involve the Selma City Council and government in the mess they have created. First, we commend both Dr. Williamson as City Council President and Mayor George Evans for keeping the city out of the controversy surrounding the removal of Mr. Jefferson as Superintendent. The very same people who crated this controversy were the ones who led the campaign to get an elected school board. We have an elected school board to run the school system, but now they did not like the board’s decisions.

          Enter self-appointed spokesman for the Perkins-Crenshaw-Leashore cabal which is trying to wreck the school system, Carolyn Robinson, who now claims she was assaulted by a school board member who allegedly put his finger on her forehead. The City Magistrate refused to issue a warrant for the arrest of the board member. Magistrates have wide latitude in issuing warrants and wrongful arrests can and have led to law suits against the City. Now Robinson is appearing before the City Council to attack Mayor Evans for not having the magistrate issue a warrant. THE FACT IS, NEITHER THE Mayor nor the City Council nor even a City Judge can order a magistrate to issue a warrant for anyone’s arrest. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF THE COUNCIL OR MAYOR COULD ORDER WARRANTS ISSUED FOR THE ARREST OF CITIZENS? What Robinson really wants to do is attack Mayor Evans because she is a puppet for former Mayor Perkins and the campaign season is in full swing with the Perkinites. In fact, it never ended after the former mayor was soundly defeated in August, 2008.

          Not only is the corrupt officials organization, the Perkins cabal, but it is also the Freedom Foundation continues to hurt Selma. The latest blot on Selma was the FF’s announcement via the internet titled “WANTED: OUTSIDE AGITATORS”. It was an appeal for students to take their spring break in Selma and come to Selma which, to quote the FF, is “still plagued with segregation and racism”. The ad goes on to say “The Freedom Foundation would love to be your host for a life-changing break in Selma, Alabama.”

          Apparently some well meaning and naïve students have fallen for this propaganda and have been and are in our fair city. We have even seen some activity at the Teppers Building-finally! Fortunately, one FF group picture shows a group wearing mask over their noses and mouths. We wonder if the FF told the unsuspecting students about the dangerous asbestos and lead based paint in the Teppers Building. Leave it to these who are “outside agitators” themselves to give the city another black eye.

          When we see people and groups like the FF, PACO, HATE RADIO 105.3, the Perkins cabal, we wonder how Selma even manages to survive with so many working against the city’s image and industry seeking efforts. How disheartening to those seeking to bring jobs and industry to our city to know that working against and undermining them are a fifth column and group of Quislings!

          We continue to urge people to contact the Federal Communications Commission and urge that the license of HATE RADIO 105.3 be revoked. They are a cancer that is eating away at the body of Selma as is the Freedom Foundation. And with Mark Duke back in town, misguided college students here, and HATE RADIO creating an atmosphere of lawlessness, what should disappear after 10 years, but the bust of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. It is no coincidence that all of the stars aligned when they did for the removal of the bust. Someone wants to ignite a racial confrontation in the city for their own personal gain. Look next for the same people who took the Forrest bust to take one of the civil rights monuments down hoping that the Civil Rights groups and Civil War groups will wage a war against one another. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who wants this kind of disunity in the community. How long does our once beautiful, fair and friendly city have to put up with these troublers of the city who only tear down and create hate, division and disunity?