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We were at the Town Hall meeting last Thursday when we heard the most specious and illogical reasoning we have ever heard. First, Rosie Sanders said that the violence committed by young people was because Ruthless Crenshaw was a racist. (Actually she said Cecil Williamson) Rose is so misguided that she is blaming criminal acts on some non-existent philosophy of Williamson. What stupidity! Each person is responsible for his or her own acts before God and man. The Bible is clear that each person stands before God and gives an account of what he or she has done. To blame someone else for someone's violent acts is ridiculous. To try to excuse the violence committed by young people in Selma by blaming it on anyone other than the criminals themselves is absurd. Rosie, THAT DOG WON'T HUNT IN HEAVEN AND IT WON'T HUNT HERE IN SELMA EITHER!!

And we want to tell CULT MEMBER Gibson, who says he is working with young people in Selma, that his reasoning is just as absurd as Rose. Gibson said that he can not reach the young people because he has to drive past the segregated Country Club on Dallas Avenue. First, we suggest that he drive down Cahaba Road if he is so offended by having to drive by the Country Club. Second, we suggest that he get out of THE CULT and get a life. His thinking is a DOG WON'T HUNT HERE IN SELMA!

And then there is Police Officer Cody Clark who has made a strategic mistake by threatening to arrest Councilman Angela Benjamin's sister, Renarta, who was counter demonstrating against Fortier adn the other demonstrators in front of City Hall. Cody's big sister, Katie, who has helped disrupt Council Meetings, was among the demonstrators when Renarta and Sunshine appeared to be counter demonstrators. She sent a message to her brother Cody to come around to City Hall. He came and threatened to arrest Angela's sister. BIG MISTAKE, CODY! Apparently, you are not aware that these are two of the fieriest ladies you will ever want to meet. You are going to find out that the CULT and your abuse of citizens as a police officer ARE A DOG THAT WON'T HUNT HERE IN SELMA!

And if poor Sam Randolph did not have enough problems, after being rejected by a majority of his fellow council members, Sunshine Alvarado got on him with both feet at the Town Hall Meeting last Thursday night. For a number of years, Sam has paid for buses to take constituents to the GAMBLING CASINOS IN PHILADELPHIA, MISSISSIPPI. Sam says he pays for these buses with his own money. Our question to him is, if he can go gambling and take other people gambling in Mississippi on his private time, why can't Dr. Williamson go to a birthday party on his own time? We want an answer, Sam! THE DOUBLE STANDARD DOG WON'T HUNT HERE IN SELMA, SAM!!

We are sorry to hear that CULT MEMBERS Matt and Ginger Skelton are being sent to separate places by Mark Duke and Gwen Brown, ministers of the House of God Cult. We again urge them to get out of this UNBIBLICAL church, stay with one another and stay together in Selma. It appears to us that Gwen Brown, WHO HAS SAID SHE WAS A BAR HOPPING WHORE, BEFORE BEING CONVERTED TO MARK DUKE, apparently doesn't want anyone to live a happily married life. We wonder if the Cult members still have to check with Gwen before they can have sex with their husbands or wives! WHAT A FARCE GWEN AND DUKE ARE!! THEIR BELIEFS ARE A DOG THAT WON'T HUNT IN SELMA!