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Just when we thought our city might get rid of the divisive House of God/Freedom Foundation CULT, the cult has reared its strife producing head again. WOULD YOU BELIEVE ANOTHER DANCE ON THE BRIDGE?? In the name of UNITY, the cult is about to divide the city again with its recent request for a parade permit for January 17 which will include CLOSING THE BRIDGE FOR THEIR FIFTEEN MINUTE PROGRAM on Martin Luther King Day.

The Cult leaders again are Kylie Jones, Julie McGowan and Jarvis Cleveland. We had hoped that Kylie Jones had left our fair city for greener pastures in Georgia, but she's back for the next community dividing event sponsored by the Cult.

The Jesus-denying cult has requested a parade permit from the city to march from City Hall, with a stop on the bridge, and continuing on to the park at the foot of the bridge. They want the city to block off streets and intersections for their march. Fortunately, the city council approved a resolution a few months ago that all groups having parades would bear the cost of officers needed for their parade.

WHILE PEOPLE ARE BEING MURDERED IN SELMA ON A REGULAR BASIS, THE CULT WANTS TO DANCE ON THE BRIDGE TO OWL CITY LYRICS. Can you say misplaced priorities? One would have thought that after THEY LIED to Mayor Evans and caused all manner of division, disruption and controversy in the community with their last publicity stunt designed to raise money, that the CULT would give the city a time of peace and rest. Instead of dealing with the REAL PROBLEMS in Selma, they only want to cause more strife, division and hate in the city.

We urge the Mayor and City council to NOT close Broad Street or the Bridge for this self-serving, publicity seeking group of carpetbaggers from Colorado. We also urge the Mayor and Council to charge the group the cost of police officers if the cult marches two by two on the sidewalk across the bridge.

There are a number of activities planned for January 17 on Martin Luther King Day, including the Links sponsored Unity Breakfast. DON"T expect the CULT to participate in anything, but their own disruptive activities that day. Much like the community who make war and call it peace, the CULT creates division in the community and calls it unity.