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These are 2 more submissions that we received recently and, as before, they are cut/pasted in their original form. The only information that has been touched is the submitters name.So read for yourself and let us know what you think. These are the feelings of 2 of our City's residents.

Read on:

"Just so you will know, there is more than the tip of the iceberg with our little city. The police and fire calls are received by phone at the 911 center on Dallas Avenue. All calls are transmitted by the radio base station at the 911 center and routed through a radio frequency wire line that goes from the 911 center to the public safety building. Then out to the cars by the antennae on the tower atop the third floor roof that leaks so bad that the detective division was shut down. I repeat, the police and fire radio communications are transmitted and received from the tower on the top of the third floor of the public safety building. This tower is is grave disrepair and no one, absolutely no one will service the antenna for the police and fire transmitters on the third floor (also corroded and in disrepair). The 911 center on Dallas Avenue receives those transmissions and receptions through a radio frequency line (wire) (that the city reluctantly pays for} from the public safety building back to the 911 center. On a good day, the police officers cannot talk to each other car to car if they are more than a few blocks from each other and no one can hear them if they use a walkie talkie to call in to the 911 dispatch center. That is why the city bought all of the police officers and fire supervisors Southern Linc telephones. Heaven help an officer that gets into trouble and needs help. Even if they are heard and help comes, when they call in on a LINC cell phone the conversation on LINC are not recorded on the complaint line or radio recorder."

"Here are the facts:"

"Policemen cannot talk to each other or the dispatch center when outside of their patrol cars (new or old). Most officers past Valley Creek west of town or north of Highland cannot be heard on the car radios depending on the atmosphere and time of day. The police and fire radio transmitters/receivers are rusted and corroded and so is the tower. The main source of comuincation for police officers is Soouthern LINC (unrecorded on the dispatch center's new equipment.) The police chief and the mayor are fully aware of this problem and fight the county about a new tower that offered new location for upgrading city equipment This problem is so old, find out for yourself when the sheriff department had two out of town repeaters built to correct their communications problem on the third floor(where their own antenna was previously located) The city doesn't care about its' own police officer's safety. This has been a continuous problem. Listen to your scanner any given day or night (especially when the weather conditions change) and see for yourself. Those avid scanner buffs out there will tell you that once upon a time they could hear the cars and officers outside of their cars nearby talk on their hand held radios. Please add this to the info being given to our citizens who care. Something must be done for our officer's safety. We don't have many but we must protect what we have on duty. Yes all are worthy of praise when they put their life on the line regardless of their ability or experience. I am a former Selma police officer and proud of my public service. I also understand that the CAD computer aided dispatch program that belongs to the city is 15 years old. This sytem is maintained by a city employee who is not even allow in the police building when the Chief if there. This employee maintains the warrant records, city police records and dispatch information for the police and fire departments. No wonder the crime reporting index is not correct if the person who maintains the input of the information is not alow in the building. Why is this type thing hapenning in our city? Are we just going to stand (or sit ) by and not do anything..."

"Please do not use my email address, if you want more information, I probably can answer most questions/ have been an experienced investigator for the government for years now retired. Not many people in Selma new or old that I cnanot find out about. I understand that Lawyer Chestnut is a radio personallity those agriculture royalties went to his head I think."

And now another submission:


"1) The one and only meeting of the Selma City Council:"

"Doesn't it seem funny that every time there is a hint that the city council will attempt to deal with the issue of Chief Jimmy Martin that a little group of police personel come and sit in. Now are they showing their support for the chief or are they told/asked to come and sit with closed mouths. Is it possible that Chief Martin's is trying to mimic the occurences of a few years ago when officers rallied behind Chief Robert Green in council chambers. Is Chief Martin trying to SCHEME the Selma City Council with a false following? How odd that it is always the same group that shows up, they being the little group of followers who have been promoted or been given a cheesy position due to their pledge of allegiance to the Lord Jimmy Almighty. Look at their faces the next time that they show, you will be looking at those who have sold their souls (figuratively speaking) because they are in fear of their positions being taken away if they do not cooperate. Hence, you show or you will go. Not fired mind you, but go back into patrol. The difference between Chief Green and Martin are the officers THEN wanted to be there. Do these? These officers do as they are told whether it be moraly correct or not because of fear of retaliation. It is said that certain personel were called to the chief's office and given instructions on where to be. Council Chambers, monday night December 18, 2006. Others were notified via link, it's amazing what you can learn when the receiver of a message allows the sender to believe he is private. Most of the attendees that are usually present with the chief are not exactly followers by choice, but instructed to do so. Kind of a product of their own greed. Benefits are good until you have to pay the piper. Most of Hitler's followers were probably scared of retribution if they had not cooperated. Same philosophy just a little more severe. Oops, almost forgot, and then 1/2 the city council members didnt show up, guess we'll have to wait til next month to see what happens."

"2) Child in need of supervision:"

"With in the last few weeks a Florida youth for which there was a bolo on (Be On the Look Out) was located in Selma. Word is, Florida officials were contacted and an airplane ticket was acquired for the safe return of the youth; however, a safe place for the child to stay was needed until his/her departure. It has been said that personel from the police department went to the newly organized Community Outreach program (Trust Build?) and were turned away due to the fact it was time for them to get off work. The child inadvertantly had to be taken to the childrens home. It is also said that the chief was angry because the personel had approached this division about assisting. Good call reverend."

"3) Junky cars=junky service"

"It has been learned that one reason that the police units are not being serviced is because, now get this, it costs $65. per car to change the oil and filter. Now this is at the city shop with $7. per hr. labor. Word is that the city shop charges $20 for the oil and filter and $45 labor. Someone please check into this! Lord, even at Moore Stewart Ford you won't pay that and they are CERTIFIED MECHANICS not bush hog operators/technicians. It is also said that police units are 3rd on the food chain taking backseat to #1 garbage trucks and #2 fire trucks. I don't know about anyone else but if the police can't patrol then neither will the dump trucks or fire trucks. Whens the last time you seen a garbage truck pull up on a murder scene or a burglary in progress. I have heard tell of police officers being called to assist a sanitation worker who was fighting with a citizen over the worker not picking up a bag of garbage which was sitting next to the city provided container that was full, but not the other way around. How much money is being funneled through the city shop if they are charging $65. for a oil change what are they charging for more indepth repairs?"

"4) Raises at the police department?"

"A whole lot of hooplah with a little bit of bang. No one should look a gift horse in the mouth but the recent decision of the Mayor to give the police department a raise,( a WHOLE 2%) on the individuals anniversary was great but how do you make the city attorney's immediate and most police personel have to wait for theirs throughout the year. We have priorities in Selma, just not good ones. And we wonder why officers are leaving leaps and bounds."

"I have read in the Selma Times Journal over the past few months where writers are saying people are bashing or trying to discredit certain public officials and department heads, well don't take these statements for fact. Find out yourself. Ask around. Randomly pull a police officer, fire fighter, anyone who works the back bone of this city to the side at the mall, at walmart, in your own street. But ask and you will probably recieve."

As we said before, these are submissions. Sent to us from 2 people of our fair town. Think this information over and let us know how you feel about this.