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THE CLOSING OF SERVUS COMMUNICATIONS ON ALABAMA AVENUE ON JUNE 15th WITH THE LOSS OF SOME 30 JOBS AS THE COMPANY MOVES ITS OPERATIONS TO TEXAS!! The STJ did quite a news spread on the new Recycling Plant which will locate at Sel-Field bringing some 30-35 jobs to Dallas County. WE ARE PLEASED WHEN ANY NEW JOBS COME TO DALLAS COUNTY. However, it seems to us that the Selma Times-Journal acts alot like the Selma Police Department; if you don't report it, then it didn't happen...or so they think.

Therefore, here are a few other things you won't see in the STJ:

1. 2 people were shot (one 5 times) over the Memorial Day weekend at one of the clubs on Alabama Avenue.

2. The old Gibson's Building on Citizens Parkway has been vandalized twice recently as thieves tore it apart looking for copper.

3. 7 commercial type air conditioners were stolen from the strip mall near the old Gibson's Building over the Memorial Day weekend.

4. Last week, a 4th fireman at the Fire Station on Broad Street, while on duty, had his car broken into and trashed.

5. In May, while students from all over the area were at Selma High School taking the ACT Test, at least 40 cars were "keyed" and vandalized in the broad daylight on a Saturday morning, and noone saw anything.

AND FINALLY, THE STJ CONTINUES TO IGNORE THE INCOMPETENTCY AND CHOAS IN THE SELMA POLICE DEPARTMENT, especially the latest stupidity and incompetence of Police Chief Jimmy Martin, which occured last Friday. Here are the facts.

Though we often do not give any credit to Mayor Perkins (because we agree with Senator Sanders that he is bad for Selma, a control freak, and corrupt in spirit), we give him a little credit for putting long time and trusted Selma Police Lt. David Evans in a position to try to clean up some of the mess made by Jimmy Martin. After the recent firing of a police officer who had an outstanding warrant on her when Martin and Roy Nix hired her, someone (we think Perkins or his Personnel Director) insisted that everyone Martin had hired in the last 2 years without checking their backgrounds HAVE THEIR BACKGROUND CHECKED.

In carrying out this assignment, Lt. Evans found EVEN MORE POLICE OFFICERS WHOM MARTIN AND NIX SHOULD NEVER HAVE HIRED AND WHO SHOULD BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY FROM THE FORCE. Martin was out of town last week. When he returned on Friday, Lt. Evans, who was only doing what he had been instructed to do, presented the paper work to Martin THAT MORE OFFICERS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN HIRED.

We are told that Martin became furious, snatched the paperwork from Evans, told him to go back to his old job, and that Nix would handle the matters; it was Nix that had hired them in the first place and who, with Martin, is responsible for the mess in the Police Department.

We are also told that when Mayor Perkins heard about this, he was mighty unhappy with his beloved Chief. Mayor, do the right thing and FIRE MARTIN IMMEDIATELY. You will have the backing of the good police officers, the City Council, and the citizens of Selma!!