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          A few months ago, two officers were fired, or asked to resign, their choice. Officer Lopez for allegedly stealing City fuel and Officer Whitt for filing a false police report for the theft of a television.

          A source in the SPD has told us that Officer Whitt resigned and all charges were dropped while Officer Lopez is contesting his release through legal channels. Officer Whitt is now employed in law enforcement at another location.

          Officer Calhoun received eight days suspension for wrecking a police car.

          Officer Thomas received a reprimand for wrecking 2 police cars.

          Three officers were caught working housing detail and CLEO (mobile trailers donated by the FBI) at the same time and drawing money from the Police Department and the Housing Authority. One has been suspended. Another will be suspended when the first returns to duty and the other is appealing his suspension.

          Is this treatment really fair? Is stealing not the same for everyone? Should wrecking a police car not be the same for every officer? If 3 officers were caught stealing and suspended, not fired, does it not make sense that Officer Lopez should have his job back?

          Falsifying a report is not as serious as stealing. Shouldn't Officer Whitt be re-employed by the SPD? After all, the charges were dropped so he is not guilty.

          Martin will discipline the officers the way he sees fit. If he likes them they are treated with easier punishment than those who don't bow down to him.

          These are just a few cases of ineptness and lack of management skills by Martin, and Perkins for letting it go on. You can be sure Perkins was the one who directed these unfair actions.

          As a matter of fact, we have heard from many people that Martin used to be a great person. They stated he was fair and willing to help just about anyone...until he became Perkins bodyguard.

          Martin, if you are going to stay on the City Payroll, you need to stand up like a man and tell Perkins to stay out of your and the SPD's business. Perkins is an embarassment to you and this city. If you want to be associated with him and have his reputation rubbing off on your character then go ahead BUT don't you realize he is your biggest problem?