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The Colorado carpetbagger cult leader Gwen Brown is in the run-off for City Council. Brown, who has used her radio program, to create division, hatred, disunity, and discord in the community, now wants to be a part of a group she has repeatedly called “evil”. The Freedom Foundation/House of God CULT is a cancer on the body of Selma. Either they have to go or the city will be in the grips of this heretical, divisive, hate inducing cult of Colorado misfits who have come to Selma to prey on the poor in the city. We hope all people of good will in Ward 3 will join together and let Brown and her ilk of social misfits know that good people in Selma have had enough of their hate creating activities.

The liar Johnnie Leashore calls on the Public Conversation on HATE RADIO 105.3 LAST Friday and says the confrontation between Sam Randolph and unnamed individuals took place on election night at FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. If there is a more ignorant and hate filled individual in Selma than Leashore, we would like to know who it is. The worst part of this lie about First Pres is that earlier in the week Leashore said there had been drinking on election night in the church “sanctuary”. So are we to believe there was drinking in the sanctuary of First Pres, as the lying Leashore said. OF COURSE NOT! We challenge the so called bishop Fortier to listen to his tape of Leashore’s call last Friday and see if he didn’t say First Presbyterian AND THEN ISSUE AN APOLOGY TO THE CHURCH AND ITS MEMBERS FOR THIS LIE. We believe the correct church is St. Paul’s Episcopal and that no one was drinking in the church “sanctuary”.

We also heard Bennie Ruthless Crenshaw call HATE RADIO to announce that Randolph had been attacked, beat up, and otherwise assaulted at church. ANOTHER LIE. The most that happened was that there was a verbal confrontation close up and someone bumped Randolph. He was not beat up, hit or attacked. Ranting Rose and Ruthless are urging him to pursue legal action, as if he had been mauled. We hope he does. The result will be the same as when Perkinite and policewoman Evelyn Gannt falsely accused Councilman Cain of assaulting her. The charge was dismissed. We don’t think Randolph wants this embarrassment.

Every person close to Mayor George Evans told him to clean house of the Perkins supporters, but he would not do it. As the 2012 election nears, it is coming back to bite him in the butt. Perkins supporters like Terry Davis are working day and night against the Mayor. We are told that Code Enforcement Director Daryl Moore is meeting on Sunday nights with Perkins as is City Attorney Jimmy Nunn. We again urge Mayor Evans to get rid of all of these people who are not his friends and who are undermining all he is trying to do.

There is an unholy alliance between James Perkins, Jr. and the Freedom Foundation/House of God/Gwen Brown cult. They are using one another to achieve their aims of power and money preying on the poorest in our community. We are especially disappointed with Perkins, Crenshaw and others who tend to wear their Christianity on their sleeve. Apparently it is all for show because they have embraced this Jesus denying cult. Either Jesus is God or He is not God. For almost 2,000 years, the Christian church has affirmed the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. Now comes the cult denying that Jesus is God-among their many other heretical teachings-and we have people like Perkins and Ruthless uniting with them.

Because Gwen Brown and her cult deny the Jesus of the Scripture, all they do in the name of Jesus is for naught because they act in the name of some Jesus of their own imaginations. Resting their faith on a Jesus who is not the Jesus of the Bible, they are as lost and unsaved as someone who does not profess faith in Christ. Make no mistake about, these people and those who support them like HATE RADIO, Perkins, Crenshaw, Randolph and Leashore, are a CULT. The true church has always affirmed that Jesus is God come in the flesh, One Person with two natures, fully human, fully divine.

WATER RATES are increasing on June 1, thanks to James Perkins, Ruthless Crenshaw and Johnnie Leashore. When they controlled the water board, they set in motion a plan to raise rates every year for ten years through 2014. No doubt part of the money was to pay the money that CRENSHAW AND LEASHORE stole from the water works by taking salaries to which they were not entitled-almost $100,000.00 paid to these two Perkinites over what they should have been paid. The next time Ruthless asks how much has been paid back to the city of the stolen money from 1999, we wish someone would ask her how MUCH SHE AND LEASHORE HAVE PAID BACK OF WHAT THEY STOLE!

Ruthless Crenshaw has more sins to answer for that one woman should. She has reserved the Convention Center for June 10 for a Draft Perkins for Mayor rally at $10 a head. She has repeatedly disrespected, harassed, spoken harshly, and tried to undermine everything that Mayor George Evans has done. Her whole intention toward the Mayor is evil. Why is that attitude and those actions not only rude and disrespectful but also sinful. Because they belong to the same church and Mayor Evans is an Elder in the Church. Anyone who reads the Bible knows that Scripture commands church members to respect and obey the Elders of the Church, BUT NOT RUTHLESS. You can be sure, Ruthless, that God doesn’t separate how you act toward your church Elders. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the pew or in politics, God’s standard is the same: respect, not the way you act toward Mayor Evans!

ONE MORE TIME: Send a message to Perkins and Gwen Brown. Their gang has lost every issue in Selma in the last few years. The Perkins Bond issue was defeated. Then Perkins and Leashore were defeated. Then Mayor Evans Bond issue, which they opposed, was past. Then Byrd School was not closed as they wanted. Then Brown received only 149 votes in the recent election. ON JULY 5, send them one more message!

And finally, we see in the legal notices that the home of the darling of HATE RADIO, Sherette Spicer, is being foreclosed. Perhaps her friends like Rose, Leashore and the Cult can help her keep her home.