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This website has found that the issuance of gun permits through the Sheriff's Department have increased approximately 25%.

Taking into consideration the number of permits issued prior to the increase indicates that several hundred more people are carrying weapons than prior to 2004.

What does this mean for our city?

1. The crime level has people scared to the point of desperation.

2. People who are not criminals stand a better chance of harm from a scared citizen.

3. Weapons, in many cases, are in the hands of people who have little understanding of the operation of the weapon.

4. More guns available for criminals to steal during burglaries and break-ins.

5. Criminals committing minor offenses will increase their chances of getting hurt through the intimidation factor brought on by major crimes.

6. In many cases, innocent citizens will be hurt by thinking they can control a situation because they possess a weapon.

7. Law enforcement officers, knowing the number of people carrying weapons have increased, will be forced into an unneccessary situation of added stress when making a routine traffic stop.

8. When one person is shot in the commission of a crime by a citizen, others will assume that the thing they need to do is shoot first and ask later.

9. The danger to children and their proximity to more weapons will eventually cause a mis-hap of dynamic proportions.

10. The "Wild Wild West" syndrome is beginning to exist and even the criminals will be more prone to shoot, just as the victim, when involved in a crime.

This website feels that the protections of life and limb should be the most important priority in this city. Should that even be called a priority?

This website understands that people feel they have been pushed into this course of action involving weapons and until crime is curtailed and reduced this action will continue.

This city is in a shell of a mess with crime.