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Let's see if this website has it straight!

The Selma City Council appoints members of the Selma School Board.

The Council appoints according to the by-laws and guidelines of the City and the Board.

The Council understands that the School Board members fill non-pay positions, voluntarily.

The City Council allowed the members of the School Board to vote themselves a $600.00 a month salary without Council approval.

Why would the School Board think they can give themselves salaries without Council or by-law authority?

Why did Tonya Chestnut not speak out about this like Mr Carter?!

Was this voted on when the Council was in Reno?

Did the School Board do this intentionally in the absence of the Council?

Does the School Board feel they are above the law and the authority of our city?

The Selma City Council should flex their muscle and retract these salaries IMMEDIATELY!! These illegal salaries are needed for the education of our children!