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          Recent submission:

          I am sure that by now you are aware that another accused murderer was acquitted by a jury in Selma. This is more fallout from the disaster caused by the appointment of Jimmie Martin as chief of police in Selma. Of course Jimmie Ray Martin is not the only one to blame. He could not appoint himself to the position of police chief. Never the less, he chose to accept a position for which he was (and still is) completely unqualified. He then made the choice to take his revenge on anyone whom he thought had wronged him in the past. He then set his sights on anyone he considered a threat to his newly bestowed authority and/or his pursuit of power and glory. By throwing the entire police department into complete chaos he, and those who enabled him, bear the responsibility for the results of their actions. Jimmie Martin set out to punish anyone who opposed his immoral and illegal agenda. He moved qualified persons from their positions and replaced them with his “buddies”. He refused to allow those qualified to use their abilities to help the police department and the city. A lot of good employees retired or sought employment elsewhere.

          Martin hired an evidence technician with no experience or knowledge of evidence collection based on physical attractiveness. The evidence division is now in a state of disarray with evidence misplaced and/or missing completely. Without evidence to support criminal cases, the court system is useless. He gave a crew of civilian workers access to the secured area of the police department to replace the molded carpet on the third floor with tile without any law enforcement present. For those of you who still wonder why no one was ever charged with the theft of the money from the drug unit, there is your answer. Martin gave so many people access to the area that no prosecutorial agency would try the case. Martin established reasonable doubt for the perpetrator, all in an effort to cover the fact that there is mold rampantly growing in the Public Safety Building. By the way, it rained in the evidence division Tuesday night.

          Two accused murderers, (one observed in the act by witnesses and one who confessed to other people) are free to walk among the citizens of Selma mainly because of the ego of one individual who thinks more of himself than the City of Selma and its citizens. Then again he lives in Centerville in Bibb County so what does he care about you.

          A security guard trying to keep a neighborhood safe is gunned down while talking to a police officer and a man is gunned down in his own home and the killers are freed by ineptness. A thief can’t be prosecuted for his crime. Jimmie Martin should receive the recognition he deserves for these results of his actions. Unfortunately for the citizens of Selma, Martin was allowed to continue his destruction for more than a year. The fallout is not over.